Tshano Young😩 a fine ass mans
Hoe: so who finna be ya future baby daddy
Me: tshano sksksksk
Future Officer is a person who has the courage and dedication to serve the country in the future. They aspire to join the armed forces and protect their nation. A future officer has the ability to face the unknown and that is the quality that makes a this person a true warrior.
The top most priority of future officers is to give their best and to show that they are not afraid of anything and to sacrifice everything for the country.
They want to serve the nation and their dream is to see India safe.
"Hey, she is preparing to give her SSB this December. She is a Future Officer"
"He is so brave, he stood up to that pervert. He seems to be a future officer material"
Cremate your future kids
Fear Of Missing Out Potential Future Events also known as "FOMOPFE" is a mental state or emotional of strain.
When a Person have Fear Of Missing Out Potential Future Events this Person can't go to small events or enjoy time because they have the Fear of Missing Out larger events which could potentially happen.
Even though John is really exited to go to the Party he can't go to it because he got the fear of Missing other potentially happening event in the News/Media or if he goes to the Party he can't enjoy it because he keeps checking his Phone for News if something is happening he could miss.
> I can't go to the Party i have Fear Of Missing Out Potential Future Events
Analyzing someone's information(even sensitive) to predict someone's life by the day even down to the moment
Future stalking-Analyzing someone's information(even sensitive) to predict someone's life by the day even down to the moment
Lajuana, Rosie, and others were analyzing his sisters and other information so that he could (not that he wants to) know his day to day activities including traffic stop, interview invites, etc.
When a person wears sunglasses and a hat often imitating Future's signature look. Usually making a person look 10x better.
Zvn: omg AJ look at that cute ass boy over there
AJ: Calm down. You can never trust a boy with sunglasses and a hat. The future effect will always get you. That boy probably looks like a goblin straight outta hell.
A girl who you are neither dating, nor sleeping with yet, who is a dead cert to sleep with you in the near future.
Guy 1: Hey, was that chick last night your girlfriend?
Guy 2: Nah, i don't get tied down, she was just a tasty bit of future gash.