A form of exploitation in Orisha religion where a priest will initiate ("crown") a large number of people in a short amount of time and have new initiates begin initiating others before they have been properly trained (it takes years) to increase ceremony volume and before the initiate has had the opportunity to sit with the initiated energy on their head. The goal of crown farming is to create a workforce under the first priest that funnels ceremonial fees to them despite the spiritual harm caused to the undertrained new initiate until the spiritual house stabilizes.
Note: No iyawo still in their ceremonial whites for the first year should be initiating others. Cuchio (sacrificial knife rites) are given after years of training and service.
So you 're telling me 15 folks in that spiritual house Ile are paying for ceremony but share the same four legs and supplies, it's definitely giving crown farming. If we're all paying full price we should have our separate stuff or pay less for what we are sharing. Where's the rest of the money going?
Aka... trap house mainly occupied by females of all ages who look like bag bitches in training.
Can u give me directions to ur local 'ratchet-farm?'
Another phrase referring to hoes.
It is the Farming Tools fault that they are gonna put a dress code on our school.
2👍 1👎
a controlled area, usually a penitentiary, that is widely known to inhabit only males who seek sexual dominance over other males
Man my ass sure does feel different after being released from the penial farm.
An auto-generated name for an online storage solution, involving many possible locations to store items in allotted spaces
"it's a body farm"
When people who do manual labor (ex. working on a farm) get horny more quickly than normal from the increased testosterone.
It's been such a long day, and I feel so horny... I think I have Farm Fever.