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Finger Turtle

When wiping your ass your finger accidently breaks through the single ply Chinese toilet paper and makes contact with your own shit and possibly asshole

"Oh my god, I just shook hands with that representative from the Chinese Education Department after I accidently did a Finger Turtle in the bathroom."

by greekhornet May 5, 2009

Corndog Fingers

The superlative of fat fingers.
To have fingers that resemble a corndog. Fingers so fat that they look like sausage fingers with a layer of a cornbread on top.

Mike "goddamn you have corndog fingers"
Nick "What the shit are corndog fingers?"
Mike "Your goddamn fingers are too fat to be just sausages"

by Sonofabeeeshh January 18, 2010

Lunch Finger

When you go to lunch and purposely or accidentally don't invite someone.

Alternative definition: You're the last person to get your food at the table, well after everyone has gotten their food. restaurant

Or Dinner Finger

Don't invite Mike, we gave him the lunch finger. Or oh, no we gave Mike the lunch finger...oops. Or sorry, we didn't mean to give you the lunch finger.

Or Andrei always gets the lunch finger here, I think the Waitress hates him....

by BigDaddyWess November 17, 2011

Finger Fist

Start with one finger in the pussy till wet then deep drill with fist.

I had to finger fist my girl to cum.

by O.G Unknown September 5, 2019


The forceful and unprovoked insertion of a digit into unsuspecting partner/friend/relative's anal orifice. Due to the surprise nature of this manoeuvre, the recipient is often clothed.

Dan was caught by a particularly vicious finger-bob whilst climbing up the stairs.

by Raymond Beefchrist April 14, 2007

finger chopper

An engagement ring so beautiful, the wearer lives in constant fear that an innovative thief will chop off her finger and the diamond with it.

I love your ring! It's a real finger chopper!

by Spaghetti and Raisinballs March 11, 2015

cold finger

Similar to cold shoulder, except a cold finger is done by ignoring someone's text or facebook message--usually when said person's comment is pointless or uncalled for.

FB status: "Man, I just got called into work for another 16 hour weekend shift."

Tool: "Lol, I never work weekends lol"

*cold finger/friend removal is appropriate here

by JDrummer86 April 7, 2011

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