Noun. Substance applied to food to increase spice, to make more intense. If describe as figuratively applying to an item, referenced item would increase in intensity, pace, speed or importance.
You better pour some Fire Sauce on that project and get it done quicker.
When you eat too much Taco Bell with too much hot sauce
When the person playing music using the aux cable, is doing a great job setting the mood.
Dam son! On the road trip Jerry was brining that aux fire!
It is a simple sex move with 2 steps. Step 1:man cums in woman mouth. Step 2:then the woman blows the cum out of her mouth so she looks like a fire extinguisher
Babe can we do the fire extinguisher3000
Chicago fire is a tv show about firefighters in Chicago
I love the tv show Chicago fire
When you use a lighter to burn your pubic hair off.
Danny and Dougie from McFly gave themselves fire trims onstage last week.
When one partakes in an uninterrupted sleep session during daylight hours. The napper most often wakes up in a light sweat at the temperature in which paper burns.
my good friend, apologizes for my late text response - i just partook in a fire nap - im now ready to commit the crime we have been planning to execute.