when you pop a flash and blind you and your team.
A black man with premature ejaculation
Bobby: "you hear about Tyrone?"
Brock: "yeah he's got the black flash"
2👍 3👎
When a girl flashes a guy, then gets banged by beformentioned guy.
"I wanted to get his attention so I Flash Banged him."
Noun: The act of a group of strangers spontaneously engaging in sexual intercourse in a public place with lots of foot traffic (EX: train stations, plazas, airports, malls, parks). Such events are actually planned but appear spontaneous to anyone who not involved in it's planning. It should be noted that the organizers of Flash Bangs are typically very welcoming should anyone want to take part.
(Verb) Flash Banging: The act of taking part in a Flash Bang
The current record for largest Flash Bang took place with 28 people in the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.
Person 1: Hey did you did you take part in that Flash Bang in Central Park?
Person 2: I did! It was a blast!
This is another word for 'skim reading', which is when you very quickly read something, merely gazing over a page and taking in the key details in a flash.
'Oh hey, are you enjoying that book?'
'Its a bit boring to be honest, I'm only flash gazing it.'
Getting flashed by someone on glass stairs or stairs with no risers wearing a skirt and no underwear
I was sitting in the library when I looked up and I got stair flashed by Nathan. He was wearing a pink skirt but no underwear underneath, showing off to me his hairy balls
(1) This phrase describes a driver who has a tendency towards flashing the lights of his/her vehicle at other road users, often with little justification.
(2) The phrase also describes a photographer who is apt towards taking many photos, often without paying much attention towards selecting only the best shots. It may also have connotations of the photos being taken at an inappropriate time or place.
(1) During the rush hour a relatively large proportion of road users tend to be "flash happy" and impatiently flash their lights in annoyance at others, often with very little provocation.
(2) "Flash happy" tourists can often be found at popular tourist hotspots such as Buckingham Palace, London where they are happy to take photos of anything that catches their eye.