Male ejaculation atop one feces.
After seeing your mother, I could not help but provide her with a glazed klurflufferton.
Uplifting someone particularly as a joke. Typically used when it's all fun and games
Max: -holds the door for Alex-
Alex: glaze fr
Uplifting someone particularly as a joke -- it's all fun and games.
Max: -holds the door-
Alex: Glaze fr
Glaze has a beautiful and charming personality that pulls others towards her. She is graceful, respectful and gentle in her ways she cherishes friendships and cares for friends when in need, emotionally or physically. She also has a very active social life. Are interested in musical and creative things. Big money making opportunities await her and many love stories come her way. A great career in public life is likely for her. Possess strong love for family, but often troubled with other divided loyalties with friends.
Glaze is a vitreous substance fused on to the surface of pottery to form an impervious decorative coating.
"GlaZe" is the most homosexual, inbreeding joke of a gaming clan that spoons each other every night and punches innocent students (especially ones named Elih). GlaZe members are renowned to have not just micro penises but little brains and have never talked to a female in their entire life.
"Did you hear about BNO destroying GlaZe in a minecraft 1v1?" Also Elih is a cat.
The look of total boredom on your girl's face while you bangin' her.
Man last night I must been tired cuz while I was fuckin her my girl jus glaze!