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Based Hitler

To be different and creative from others, as like the locally famous twitter icon @Basedhitler, who shows very creative and different tweets.

Wow bill is the real Based Hitler, he is very creative in his activities.

by Bill the bill collector December 25, 2012

27👍 11👎

space hitler

sheev palpatine, who arguably should have told anakin to spare those younglings so they could be inquisitors like palpatine wanted them to be

"hey you know sheev palpatine?"

"Yeah he's a real space Hitler."

by shinydaumbreon May 4, 2021

Mini Hitler

Mini Hitler or known as Sony is a small man who loves hitler and his acts. This makes him more prone to hailing him during class. He often jokes around about hitler and loves him deeply.

When we call him out for hailing hitler he will enter a rage state and start to attack us with all of his might. However if you support Mini Hitler he will yell out GOOD SENSOR and wave his water bottle.

His water bottle may transform into a gas bomb during his rage state

Oh crap Mini Hitler is hailing hitler yet again...

by "okke" February 22, 2023

Hitler's Cigar

While getting a blow job you stick your finger in your asshole and rub it on your partner's upper lip.

She was a champ for asking me to give her Hitler's cigar last night.

by June 10, 2016

Hitler's Plan

Hitler after being butt hurt in Art school and cucked during world War 1 he decided to kill a bunch of Jews and betray all his allys.

It is also the best way to get a high K/DR in Fortnite

Ninja had his Hitler's Plan and kill 6 million children in Poland.

by E girls are thots March 11, 2020

douche hitler

A term used to describe a person who is a complete prick who wants all of the respect and power that comes with authority but none of the responsibilities the job requires. Also, it defines a person who steals credit like it was Poland and is clearly anti-Semitic. (Contrary to popular belief, a Jewish person in a position of power can also be a douche hitler which is doubly insulting and egregious on their behalf).

Our hipster boss took all the credit for the success and is getting a promotion! What a douche hitler!

by #douchehitler September 18, 2015

Hitler maiden

A psychotically conceited or narcissistically ambitious female who viciously and compulsively goes through life turning any and every situation into an opportunity for her to separate the "superior and flawless" (like herself, of course) from the "loathsome and disgusting".

No matter the situation, it's a guarantee that she'll be openly treating certain people like rotting dog shit, while then turning immediately around and treating certain other people like blue-eyed Nordic royalty -- with her selection criteria being largely dependent on a person's ethnicity, beauty, physique, and apparent wealth.

She more often directs this treatment at males, although in certain circumstances she'll subject females to it, too. But the overriding point is that she just can't ever stop herself from doing it.

The term derives from Adolf Hitler's German youth programs, whereby he selected "pure Aryan" males and females for his indoctrination and breeding.

"Dude, you don't wanna wait in that line. The girl at the register will openly treat you like shit because you're not "master race" enough -- She's a total Hitler maiden."

by C'est Logique October 14, 2011