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Blake Sennett

Singer and guitarist in the greatest band of all time.

Child Actor in shows like: Boy Meets World

Did you see Blake Sennett at the Sokol? He was amazing!

by Je'mappelle Sylvie October 18, 2008

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Blake Signal

(n.) An emblem of Blake Griffin's silhouette, shone into the night sky, alerting Blake Griffin that his team is in trouble and needs him to save the game.
(n.) alternate: A silhouetted emblem of the number 32, shone into the night sky, alerting Blake Griffin that his team is in trouble and needs him to save the game.

With only 45 seconds left in the 4th quarter, and the Clippers down by 8, the mayor of Los Angeles finally had no choice but to flash the Blake Signal.

Blake Griffin was carted off on a stretcher in the 1st quarter, but just after halftime, Staples Center erupted with cheers as the Blake Signal was flashed, and Griffin came jogging through the tunnel and back onto the court.

by Nynbern Follower March 24, 2012

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Anita Blake

A kickass vampire slayer from the Laurell K. Hamilton books. She dates a vamp... but that doesn't mean that she can't kill 'em! Sleeps with a stuffed penguin and a Browning handgun. Works for Animators Inc. and the Police.

"She's kickass!"
"She sleeps with what she kills."

by Crimson September 14, 2004

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Blake Shelton

A country singer, that has been nominated for six Grammys!

Hey man, did you go to that Blake Shelton concert? That jawn was lit!

by Alwaysonpointeee April 9, 2018

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Kaiden Blake

Kaiden Blake was one of the original scene kings years back but left the internet for a long period of time. He came back and was recently recruited by Clint Catalyst (another scene king) to the Renegades Of Style with people like Audrey Kitching and Linda Strawberry. He used to write on myspace and his blogs would go to #1. He has music written and recorded by him floating around on the internet and has become a popular search on both google and youtube. He talks to all the other scene kings (Clint, Matthew Lush, Alex Evans, Chris Crocker, etc) and models as well. His hair changes more times than some people change underwear but the crazy fangirls love him for it.

SceneGirl: OMG! Did u see the new Kaiden Blake pic?
SceneBoy: no where do i get it?
SceneGirl: Google it!

by CrocoDie June 20, 2008

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Blake Taylor

A retarded Barbarian that chops off the fingers of innocent boys for pleasure. On certain days can release a rancid aroma of ass known to kill small mexicans. Usually seen with a small caveman (scientific name: yennius neanderthalus). Some recent sightings have included another creature that is quick to pass judgement on every living organism within a five meter radius. (known as: abbottimus hippopotamus).

Blake Taylor likes to molest small cavemen.

by Big Dik August 26, 2008

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James Blake

Not to be confused with the tennis player, James Blake Litherland is a musical artist in the genre Post-Dubstep with 3 albums and multiple EPs.

β€œMan did you hear James Blake on Radio One?”

β€œMy favorite James Blake album is Overgrown.”

by Nobtalk March 4, 2018

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