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Shelf Kids

Shelf kids was created on January 21st, 2009 around 1pm. It was created through a chat room/webcam site called stickam. Four out of five members of the band Cobra Starship went to a Cabin in PA to write songs for their next album. They decided to set up a webcam so fans could watch this process and ask them questions. It was 24/7 for four days. They had the webcam set up on top of a shelf overlooking the table (for most of the time). Somebody in the chatroom mentioned that we were like "flies on a wall" then somebody said "flies on a shelf". Then shelf kids was created. Usually referred to as Shelfies. They also crashed a Metro Station chat/webcam later on, they were the first ones to arrive in the chat and there were so many Shelf Kids that Metro Station had to shut their chat down.

Shelf Kids FANGS UP.

Shelf Kids FTW!!!!

by Liacoolaid January 22, 2009

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theatre kid

A person who:
*Sings Defying Gravity while walking in the hallways
*Dances in class randomly
*Is probably a member of the Newsies fandom
*Is not talking to themselves, but are actually rehearsing their monologue
*Has strange inside jokes with their fellow theatre kids
*Grabs other theatre kids food without even giving it a second thought
*Is gender blind and changes in front of ALL
*Probably obsessed with the current show they're in
*Loves the spotlight to a fault

Girl 1: Did you see her?
Girl 2: Yeah she just started singing out of nowhere...
Girl 1: Oh, she's one of those theatre kids.

by doggy10134 March 4, 2015

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Sewer Kid

A child who arose from the sewers. While forgetting to put on deodorant, this child may have exposed his BO to the entire football team. The hair of a Sewer Kid fits the look and smell of the individual; A curly rats nest.

That is one smelly Sewer Kid... Oh wait that's Adam

by rainbow monkey butt May 26, 2010

Xanax Kid

A kid who snorts xanax in class. Usually a fucking savage.

Seriously xanax kids are savage as fuck.

"I just roasted someone so hard they had to kys, and i snorted xanax"
"damn blood u's a xanax kid

by Kappachinnnnoo August 26, 2016

Stray kids

Literally chaos.
Anyway stan these talented boys to feel like you're on crack when you're actually not! Wait, placebo. Yes go listen to 3racha's placebo.

stray kids are superior periodt. stan stray kids for clear skin.

by Jeonga November 17, 2020

Sigma Kid

A word used to describe the kids who comment on phonk videos or Patrick Bateman Sigma short videos with the πŸ—Ώ Emoji. They spend their time in the youtube shorts section trying to find other 'sigma males' that are probally 10 year olds reaking their parents bedroom or either commenting 'women🍷' on every post they see.

Bro I was just trying to listen to some phonk but when I opened up the comments all i saw was the Sigma Kid.

by Deez1212w1322 May 22, 2023

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ttv kid

An extreme tryhard who buys every rare skin in fortnite and 9.99 times out of 10 will thirst you

Timmy: stupid ttv kid just thirsted me
Jimmy: I know man! And they get it all from Ninja

by NotANamel December 15, 2018