Source Code

Jet Link

I can run fast, why is their no praise towards me?

Because I'm an idiot, that's why.

Hm, this definition needs more insults.

Fuck Evil Tim, he grasps cock and inhales it.

by Republican Nazi October 4, 2003

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link bomb

The act of posting an overwhelming amount of Links or URLs in an attempt to stop the spreading of rumors.

Person fed up with FF fanboy: I'm going to Link Bomb you!
*posts 90 URLs dismissing Firefox myths*

by chugger1992 August 23, 2007

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Link War

Fiercer than religious wars. Fought between two tweeps or more, using link after link,on what the truth about a subject be

My TL is being spammed by link wars about some content on Wikipedia

What do I do now? Two of my Twitter friends wont talk after a link war about grammar

by kaalika July 24, 2011

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Chain link

Evolved from off tha hook, then off tha chain, to chain link. Means when something is really awesome, bitchen, or groovy.

"That weed is chain link!" "Her tits are chain link"

by it's me stupid April 27, 2010

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dark link

art stealing, spamming, tennage weirdo

spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam


by krawkat February 8, 2004

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sneaky link


boomin is always the sneaky link

by samzzzzz September 16, 2021

12๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


The feeling you get right after you beat the shitout of a little black kid.
(Im feeling whoop-link)

Im feeling really whoop-link.

by xxextreme4life9905xx August 23, 2006

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