When your Facebook wall is filled with memes with a majority of them from the same friend.
Opens Facebook app and scrolls through feed
"OH look, it's Fe o'clock"
When its time to go have a smoke
Hey hoge its motha fuckin boge o'clock
Fuck ye jim
That time of day, or morning where your cat gives no s***s what your doing, even if you are sleeping at 6am, and start doing everything in its power to get you to feed it.
The only alarm that has no snooze button
Having a pleasant dream in the early hours of the morning.
Cat *starts purring in my face because it's hungry*
Me: checks time (5:35am) "piss off its not feed me o'clock yet" *pushes cat away, rolls over and tries to fall asleep*
Cat: "I don't care what time it is and if your sleepy, I'm awake and I'm hungry so get up hooman"
Did you hear? Maddie is calling Jordan at 64 O'clock, they're so cute!
A time very late at night or very early in the morning when most people are or ought to be asleep.
My sleep schedule is ruined because my favorite YouTuber uploads at ass o'clock
When its time to grab the poopsock and strain it out of its juices and glory.
Mom i am sorry i cant go to the family function because it is Poopsock O'clock and i need to liquidate it.
When it is time to grab your poopsock and squeez out the scat for all of its delicious glory.
Hey mom I am sorry I can not go to the family function cuz its poopsock O'clock! I need to extract the juices and freeze the product for the next buyer.