The word used to describe someone who is really good at something.
the sweetest boy in the world.. he may be kind of bold sometimes but that’s just what makes him so great. every girl needs an oge in their life
Stephanie: Why have you been so chipper recently?
Victoria: Because I’ve been talking to Oge! He’s sooo sweet
The act of going, getting things done, trotting, in a effective and quick manner.
"Oi darls lets oge brah, on heat"
a low energy or soft version of the response "ok/oke/okay"
its often used in late night chats when one or both parties are tired and mellow
"you should go to sleep now its late"
"gn homie"
A saying that people who sexually prefer men and getting bummed say on a frequent occasion.
a slang word that homosexual (gay) person says. the use of this word is a request for same sex intercourse for males.