Patrick Nattawat is a boy who lights up the world and will make your day just by seeing him smiling will make the sun shines harder than it would.
Patrick Nattawat is the bestest boy on earth
The hottest man in the world and is ma bae so back off.
Patrick Dempsey is another word for Derek Shepherd.
A colloquialism of Doncaster for having a massive pair of man boobs.
"Matt, have you seen the size of my massive Patricks recently? I think it is hormonal and absolutely nothing to do with the amount of burgers I shove down my cake hole"
A meme I made up called presenting patrick (which is patrick from spongebob)
Patrick: I made my house all by my self
*Presenting Patrick presents his house (rock)*
Patrick: I made my youtube channel all by myself
*Patrick's house says "Minecraft tutorials"
Patrick Roy makes an amazing save for the Colorado Avs. (if only he hadnt retired)
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Decent goalie until he played for the Ottawa Senators. But now he flat out blows!
Mr.X :hey did you hear about Lalime? he tried to kill himself!
Mr.Z :no friggin way!
Mr.X :yeah he jumped in front of a train but it went through his legs!
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