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Preps are usually known as teenagers who shop at aeropostale, abercrombie, hollister, and american eagle. The actual definition of prep is someone who goes to a prepratory school. Preps usually are nice to all people except nerds.

You will usually see them wearing polos or shirts with brands on them. They usually wear make up, but not alot. They always try to do different hairstyle and look as best as possible.

The girls are really involved in cheerleading or some kind of school activity. The guys are usually on the football team or involved with school. Most of them are shallow.

Alot of people agree that preps wear the clothes that they do because the majority of the school is also wearing that because its popular and they are affraid to try their own style. You will never catch a prep dead wearing sweat pants to school.

Prep 1: Oh my gosh, are you like, going to the like, pep rally later billy?
Prep 2: Well of course I am!! School is the best! Plus im on the team.
Prep 1: That sounds like, super great!

by Cassfrass July 30, 2009

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White, christian, upper middle class or rich, spoiled, obnoxious, old-fashioned, traditional, fancy-dressed individual who have huge egos. They also like to terrorize certain groups of people like punks, goths, average joes, etc. These people are probably the most annoying people on the east coast and most of them are a bunch of neocons.

Guy from car: HEY BUTHOLE!
Normal person: (gives finger to car)
Guy from car: (drives up to person) You're such a pussy!
Normal person: (Throws something) Fuck you!
Guy from car: Oh, you threw that at me, you're a wimp.
Normal person: Face me like a man, you damn prep coward!

George W. Bush managed to get reelected.
George W. Bush also received a lot of those votes from preps.

by wahalla July 25, 2010

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for those of you who think preps are rich snobby bitches, your totally wrong. firstly, even though we wear abercrombie/hollister/american eagle etc. doesnt mean anything. we just like that style of clothing. secondly, we dont over do our make up. thirdly, yes we might own coaches, louis vittons, burberrys, etc. but were not like rubbing it in ppl's faces. we are not bitches, were actaully reallly nice. were very cheerful, but thats just our personality. so dont judge us, and we wont judge you.

girl 1: hey ash, whats up?
girl 2: nothing really. you wanna go hang out at the mall?
girl 1: sure!

by woah_its_alex March 25, 2007

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shallow , cares only about themselves , being sluts , and acessorising. the fakest people you will ever know!

"i wear hollister , make myself puke , writes i love (my name here) on everyones stuff , and wear a new tanktop everyday . i am a prep"

by the emo tree hugger May 23, 2007

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First of all I would like to agree that there is an archetype for preps.

Guys-White, Sports, works out, skips class, wears multiple layers of clothes regardless of season, expensive phones, money, cologne

Girls-White or Asian, cheerleader, makeup, skirts, revealing clothes, airhead, mean, perfume, rich daddies

Faves-A&F, AE, Hollister, LL Bean, RL Polo, Tommy Hilfiger

I totally agree that a majority of preps fit in with those.
If you go by that, you can find just as many people that you wouldnt call a prep that go by those guidelines. My best friend is rich as hell, wears A&F, has fake sports team shirts, and works out, but I would never lable him as a prep.

As for me, I'm a middle-class, asian, ex-nerd, prep.
Here's proof:
$60 Relic Watch
$30 Lee Jeans Shorts (one of the cheapest things I have)
$50 Muscle Polo from Abercrombie & Fitch
$15 Belt from American Eagle
$20 Undershirt from some store in Alaska
Looking at this, you might say I'm rich. I'd say you're wrong. Some people, a lot of preps actually, have discovered a method of purchasing items called SAVING. I get about 20 dollars a week that I have to work for, and I get 100 dollars for my birthday and 150 for christmas. I have to buy all of my clothes and everything. I saved up, and over time, I was able to buy all this stuff.

I am not a rich fucker. I am not an idiot. I am not white. I do not have a car. Sure I wear the same clothes as all the other preps. At least we shop from maybe 10 different stores, as opposed to the gothic Hot Topic or the unknown void where nerds find their clothes and gear.

I used to be a nerd. I think, in general, preps are a group of people who can actually look at a group of people and actually understand who is a nerd, who is a prep, and who is emo. Most nerds don't choose to be nerdy, they just are. They don't know what is generally considered cool. I used to be one so I would know. Preps hang with preps and avoid nerds and emo, just like nerds and emo avoid preps.

Judging by that, why don't we take a second to think about why preps are the center of hating and not goths or nerds. Everyone talks about goths or nerds, but they dont really care because goths and nerds dont matter to them. Most people's dreams are to be a prep, and that's why they concentrate on hating preps.

Prep: Dude let's go to A&F, away from those nerds and goths.

Goth: Dude let's go cut ourselves in that alley, away from those preps and nerds. (yes, goths do cut themselves)

Nerd: Let's go to my house and play Dungeons and Dragons!

by Changster July 18, 2006

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a prep.

is not a bad person. its just a label. just like goth jock skater and emo are labels.

a prep person is usually...


im not gonna list what they are or do. Cause not all preps ARE what most stereotypes say they are.


i AM a prep.

and i hang around preppy people. BUT i also have emo goth skater and all other kinds of friends i chill with.

for me a prep can be :

high tempo; bubbly; OR depressed; naturally cool.

wear pink all he time like OMG!; wear all colors. even dun dun dun...BLACK!

play sports like soccer lacrosse or field hockey; dont play sports at all.

there are ALL types of preps. preps at YOUR school may be different from preps at another school. so yo can't hate them all.

not know anything loser: ugh. those friggin preps and there hollister piss me off...

prep: you know..i shop at hot topic too right?!

by b..? February 28, 2008

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A prep is technically a person that goes to a prepalitory school, usually on the east coast. I am talking about the preps that shop at ONLY ambercrombie, holister, american eagle, etc. I personally think that ALL preps are assholes. they think they are better than everyone and follow the crown. They aren't origional what-so-ever... that's why they ALL shop at the same stores.

Ambercrombie, american eagle, holister all all jokes. A discrace to the clothing industry. All off there clothes say the same exact thing on them, the name of the store, this is just used as a advertising ploy so these dumb preps walk around everywhere wearing a billboard for the company, it's no wonder they're so famous.

Preps, in general, listen to pop music, the most embarrissing form of music in the world. These songs don't have any origionality in the least and repeat the same 2, 3 verses over and over and over until your ears explode!

Preps judge everyon because they are not like them, because they chose to be different... be themselfs. I notice that preps usually chose the emos as they're main target to make fun of. Everyone who tries to put down these "different groups" emos, metal heads, scaters, street rats, etc... can politely fuck off. You preps think you are such good people... saying you care about everyone... racism is bad... MAKING FUN OF OTHER PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY ARE DIFFERENT IS THE SAME THING AS RACISM... it pregidice and it hurts just as bad.

I'm talking to you too jocks... You think you are so cool because you are good at sports... you cocky assholes as just as bad. You use sports as an excuse to be good at something rather than learning something that might help you in life, like maybe... oh I don't know... School.

I am sick and tired of preps going though all this drama and crying all the time. if you don't like the drama... DON'T START IT!!!! "What comes around goes around." Don't say you hate drama either, you start it and you know it you hypocrytical bitches.

So... in conclusion... all preps die in hell :)

Thank you and goodbye.

Mark: haha look at that dumb emo.
Shanon: yeah, why don't you go kill yourself emo!

Jade: Wow... that prep is really that self absorbed to pick on us like that.
Nik: Yeah... they are. What assholes.

by Frostbite1994 June 18, 2009

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