Quinn’s are lowekey bitches they’re very salty and short. They hate on their ex girlfriends for no reason. They are very very ugly🤮🤮🤮. They all take growth hormones and are built with chopstick legs like lil Huddie. If you ever need to make him fall tap him in the legs, don’t flick him tho that could kill him
Person 1: Ewwww you dated Quinn damn I feel bad for you
Person 2: yeah he’s being rly salty imma have my friends jump him
Quinn's are usually the hottest guy in the room. Their dicks are art least 9 inchs. There kind loving and intelligent. please have sex with me
'Omigod that guys so hot, he must be a Quinn'
'Quinn's dick must be at least 9 inchs'
A guy who comes off to you and everyone else as somewhat of a mystery. His personality seems to be split a lot of the time. On one side he can be really extroverted, making silly comments and weird statements very often. But on the other side he can be very shy, usually enjoying time with video games and other technology related things. Talking with a shy-sided Quinn will mostly be met with one word responses and rarely any eye contact. Often times he will try to hide most things he’s doing from people, as he feels embarrassed when admitting what he enjoys. Talking with an extrovert-sided Quinn will usually result with random blabbering and whatnot. Many people choose not to talk with an extrovert Quinn due to how strange he can be. Overall, he’s just odd.
Person 1: “Who’s that? What’s he doing?”
Person 2: “That’s Quinn. He’s always there huddled with his computer.”
Person 1: “That’s kinda strange, he was acting so different last time I saw him.”
Trans girl who makes bangers in the genre of hyperpop and antipop. She removed a good bit of her songs off of spotify due to not liking her old music and it really bothering her. Some of her older music can be found in the album "Archiv3s" by axiiiiiiiii.
"That the new quinn shit?"
"Yh it's fye man"
If its given to a boys name it will mean that he is gay and soon is coming out of the closet.
If it's a girl it's the same thing but lesbian.