Source Code

Riley frey

Some gay ass name of a kid

Some kid: “bruh this nigga Riley Frey is so gay

by Purple nipple gang v2 March 3, 2019

Riley Lordon

The sweetest and most loving person you will ever meet. Although a little timid to take a step into the unknown, she never hesitates to show how she feels and how much she cares. She has a massive heart to suit her massive intellect. Give your friend Riley a hug to show her how much you appreciate her.

Goddamn I wish Riley Lordon were here with me

by Cesium55 November 10, 2019

Riley (him)

A boy who loves to play sports such as basketball and soccer and overall he is really athletic. He has a dark complexion and dark hair and has really nice dimples. Average height and doesn’t have the best grades. A great boyfriend who doesn’t date a lot of girls so if he has a girlfriend she is very special to him. He always tries to talk to his girlfriend but gets shy sometimes. He wears a lot of sports related clothes like jerseys and will wear shorts even in the winter. He can get aggressive at times and very competitive. He is overall a really funny and sweet guy who is there when you need him.

Wow that guys name must be Riley (him)!!
He is so good at sports he’s such a Riley (him)

by chick fil a is bae October 23, 2019

Riley Nelson

Riley Nelson is the best friend you could ever ask for. She's amazing in COUNTLESS ways. She's beyond gorgeous and anyone would be lucky to be her friend. She's always there for you, if its talking about something, making you laugh, or even playing roblox. Riley is strong, intelligent, athletic, and so much more. She's a kind hearted person & she always has good intentions :).She's also so sweet and thoughtful. You can always rely on her to brighten your mood & cheer you up. Im so grateful to have gotten to know her (: She's always entertaining and so easy to hang out with and talk to.

Damn ur friends with riley? LUCKYYY
Riley Nelson LOVES muffins

by jacob sartorius was here July 6, 2020

riley tobin

AMAZING holy fuck riley tobin is so fucking hot i u wanna see her search up her add that she got paid for Its a mitzi ft riley tobin
just because she is just rich and fucking hot she gets all the boys even with her ADHD and ADD so maybe dont sit next to her cause u will get no work done buy YOLO who cares

she has 200000 friends and she loves all of them especially jaia curtis that hotty go hit her up boys.

damn that riley tobin is so hot i wanna be her

by rileyt__________ August 8, 2019

Riley Thurmeier

A guy who Is emo with Gorgios blue eyes, black hair that covers his face and is quite tall.

Riley Thurmeier Is so hot!!!

by IloveRiley December 18, 2010

Riley Lynch

Riley Lynch is one of the sweetest girls ever to exist and she's drop dead gorgeous if you've never met a riley lynch you will never know how amazing they are. they are majorly underestimated and one of the smartest people over. her smile lights up the room

Person A:is that a angel over there!
Person B: no that's riley lynch

by takitakiayay April 18, 2019