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When you are dissed or resigned from something. This usually happens in job interveiws or school interviews.

Sorry but you have been rejected from this school

by Pk_your_sis November 27, 2018


to be denied.

i bet my last post will be rejected

by Veridicule December 27, 2018


when people rejected your definition in urban dictionary

me : sad af i got rejected in the internet

no one :

by ImMelon November 15, 2019


Not accepted.

The guy rejected the rules and preachings of bullshit people.

by Solid Mantis August 7, 2019


Different than ignored.

People knew what the warnings were about, they had paid attention to them, they had heard them, and they took them seriously, but they still rejected them. The warnings were rejected, not ignored.

by Solid Mantis November 24, 2020


To be rejected by every girl.

Brad got rejected by Julia again. What a legend.

by Choccymilk888 June 22, 2018


Really? You can prove your not me in literally 2 seconds by posting a definition. That's literally all you have to do.

Hym "Rejected!? When you post a definition you have literally 2 options after hitting submit. Log in with Facebook and log in with Gmail. Any confusion could be cleared up in less than 15 seconds by just using the site 1 time. Writing I'm not Hym. Hitting submit. You could even screen share it on facebook live and people could see you NOT being me. Or you could just ask! Or actually report on the multiple award winning genius ghost writer who corresponds with the world's leading psychologist on a regular basic but is being stiff on his accreditation. Jesus you are an asshole. WHY IS HIS NAME THAT!? What a fucking jerk!"

by Hym Iam February 23, 2023