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dupe square

toilet paper filled with shaving cream, neatly folded into a square, and used to dupe or trick or fool somebody while they are sleeping, or unaware of a dupe attack, so be watching around all corners or keeping a close eye while your sleeping or u will get the dupe treatment.

dude!!..... you just duped squared me.

stop actin crazy with that dupe square or your gonna hurt someone.

i got hit with a dupe square yesterday so throw it at tom this time.

by spelunker mjd June 24, 2010

Love Square

Girl #1 likes Guy #1 but he does not like her back.

Guy #2 likes Girl #2 but does not like him back.

Guy #1 and Girl #2 like each other.

Girl #2: Ugh, I hate being in a Love Square!
Guy #1: I know! I just want to be with you but this dumb Love Square makes everything so complicated!
Girl #2: This Love Square makes our situation so annoying!

by Gay Boi™ January 10, 2022

Quickie Square

The act of going out for a quick cigarette.

Quickie - Doing something in a fast or quick manner.

Square - Slang for cigarette.

Combined creates quickie square.

Not to be confused with the carpentry tool used to make straight 90 degree angle cuts which is also called a quickie square.

I'm going out for a quickie square, wanna come?

He just got back from a Quickie Square break.

by NTHNEZ June 10, 2011

Getty Square

the downtown part of yonkers. nickname is ghetto square because of how ghetto the area has become. don’t recommend going there alone at night if you don’t wanna get shot.

friend 1: yo let’s get some popeyes in Getty Square!
friend 2: nah man, i’m not tryna get killed on the way there.

by TheEmployee March 11, 2019

VP Squared

VP Squared: Verb, Pronoun, Preposition- Get=(verb) Over=(preposition) It=(Pronoun).

A geeky English Major's way of being sarcastic to another in conversation, through an overly dramatic and drawn out manner, in order to successfully make the recipient of said phrase feel like a complete tool.

Best used within the social context of a well established and long term friendship as a form of backhanded endearment; otherwise you might just get punched out.

Can also be used in the past tense.


Bob - "Man, My GF is such a drama queen."
Tom - "How long are you going to put up with her shit? VP Squared, already!"
Bob - "Huh? VP what?"
Tom - (Heavy sigh)"Verb, Preposition,
Pronoun, dumb ass."
Bob - "Come again?"
Tom - "Get Over It, Man! DAMN!"

Past Tense Example:

Tom - "Hey, how are things with you and the bitchy GF?"
Bob - "I vp squared that situation (got over it). Broke up with her weeks ago, son."
Tom - " Good for you, man."

by Prospoi September 20, 2008

Corrupted Square

corrupted square is a jsab oc created by wixlyn, he's a unknown yet corrupted shape amongst other players, it also is known for its official name, seifukei sako as it describes itself as

basically, corrupted square was a corrupted version of the square player from jsab, in his backstory, he got corrupted by the pink ocean in 2018 oct 31 at 3AM of the morning

by mellyultra July 16, 2023

Oy squared

When something happens and it's beyond oy, it's oy squared.

Andrea: The cable went out, the toilet over flowed and I'm out of wine.
Richard: Oy.
Andrea: No, oy squared!

by And What December 12, 2014