Source Code


Sammi is amazing and no one can say otherwise.

You either love her or.. Or die.
There's not really any other option.
I stg if anyone insults her I will destroy you all.

God: what happens if I click this button
Angel: um it's kinda like you make an adorable reincarnation of Jesus
God: Ok-

Sammi: *exists*
Joey: aw

Kyla: aw

Joey and Kyla: we protecc, we attacc

by It’s ya cringy boi, ThiOwO June 12, 2020


Short for sandwich.

I’m so hungry, I’m gonna make a sammi.

by Radar Cheddar November 21, 2020


A sammi is a sandwich.

I’m hungry, I’m gonna make a sammi.

by Radar Cheddar November 21, 2020



don’t follow sammi

by Lincolnlover15 February 3, 2024


Yes, she can be a bit of an ass sometimes, but that doesn't stop me from liking her.

Sammi is a fucking noun!

by DR.Fate_CoDe11 June 25, 2018


Real Name: Samantha

She's the type of person that you shouldn't trust. She will back stab you while you don't notice. She says she 'loves you' but it's fake, as she is just using you. If you have a friend named sammi, watch out!

by themysteriouspoetwriter September 12, 2021


That girl the stays up all night sending you Tiktoks but can’t answer you calls at 4 am. Sammi, that girl that is a friendly but rude person. Be careful of a Sammi she could be making fun of your Roblox avatar but you won’t know. She is a icon even if she is in a bald cap and pj’s or on her period.

Sammi is that girl you will love.

by Defusedheaven2022 January 1, 2022