Source Code

Lumberjack Slam

When a male is having sex with a female from behind and right before he is about to cum, he kicks out her legs from under her and yells, "Timber!" and then precedes to cum on her while she's on the floor.

"1: Man, yesterday Trevor really gave that bitch the ol' Lumberjack Slam."

by Minjae'sHouseofPorn November 18, 2009

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slammed shut

to close hard with a bang

The wind blew in through the window and the door slammed shut. She slammed shut the door in his face.

by Maine Mystery Writer November 5, 2013

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crunkle slam

Unkle Sams Nickname because he's crunk and his shit slams.aka unkle scam-u-all

im unkle sam but cuddies call me crunkle slam,and u wont wanna fuck with me cuz my shit goes BLAM,BLAM

by Mac Money June 28, 2006

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Toucan Slam

When a nasally well endowed individual pleasures another with said fleshy breathing device.

I bet Bernie followed his nose to a slick toucan slam with Lisa last night. What a hero.

by bumblebee2na November 23, 2009

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Slam A Dookie

1. To take a massive poop

2. Taking a poop in which most of the poop comes out at once, usually in one fantastic blast of awesomeness, usually making noise.

3. General term used for pooping

1. "Dude!!! Light a match after you slam a dookie!"

2. "Oh man, I feel awesome, I just went and slammed a dookie."

3. "Move out of the way I have to slam a dookie!"

by Zupwat February 18, 2009

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Grand Slam

Taking a large hit/toke from a bong/bubbler/vaporizer holding the smoke in the person's lungs while taking a shot of liquor then chugging a beer; finally doing a line and blowing out the smoke.
*Almost impossible*

"that fool did a Grand Slam last night and straight up died; but we all thought it was ill to watch!"

by pappyinww2 April 6, 2010

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slam and scram

Taking a female to poundtown and then promptly leaving her, so she has a chance to contemplate what just happened.

Will pulled another slam and scram. Again. What a manwhore.

by janibachua April 19, 2011

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