Source Code

spam reunion

The reunion of two people that occurs because one of their online accounts has been compromised and sends spam to the other, resulting in the other to reply and reconnect to the first person.

Joe receives email advertising "Make your penis 20X larger with just one pill!" from an old acquaintance, Bob.
Joe replies to Bob: "Hey Bob - looks like your email got hacked. How have you been, man? The family is well, I hope? I just started a new job down in the valley - it's going pretty well. We should catch up over drinks sometime."
Bob replies: "Thanks for the heads up, Joe. I changed my email password. I'm excited to see you for a spam reunion."

by weyus September 25, 2013

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Peter Spam

Junk email containing advertisements for various male enhancement potions and / or counterfeit versions of Viagra and so on...

I get a ton of Peter Spam in my email everyday. Selling some dumb ass snake oil and venom extract... "gets you hard and keeps you hard. Click on this link and get it now for your rush order free sample while it lasts. You could be rubbing it on tomorrow."

by BanditDog February 6, 2007

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Spam Surfing

The act of a spammer on a forum going to a long-dead (and usually extremely stupid) thread, and then spamming it a lot so it becomes on the front page.

Noobs are our Friends!




Spammer: Woot Im Spam Surfing!

by Xskull June 8, 2007

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What you call someone's chat when they start talking shit to you, especially when you're busy and don't have time for their irrelevant fantasies.

Guillaume: "Hey Bruce, one day I'm going to invent a new type of punctuation mark with three dots and a squiggle. And I'll get money to help lobby the International Syntax Symposium from a Nigerian with lottery money locked up in a private bank in Rangoon."

Bruce: "Stop time-spamming me you asshole."

by _bruce September 5, 2012

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A man who purchases prostitutes so that he may perform cunnilingus on them.

Chris, the spam-sloth, has an unquenchable hunger for the succulent taste of meat curtains.

by Pat Bateman May 2, 2005

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Head Spam

The act of passing out on one's keyboard to create a long line of random key strokes in a chat room.

<CoolGuy105> lulz that guy got pwnd XD
<UpYours420> Ha, suck on that bee-otch
<ThatGuyOverThere> I think he did pretty good.
<CoolGuy105> wtf
<noobKnight> k,,,,,,,,,llll,hjgnhjkh,khl.;/'
<UpYour420> dude i think he passed out
<noobKnight> wrgfwirfhiwrljgtbmhnjmk.;;./
<CoolGuy105> dammit were getting head spamed.

by JoshMi July 27, 2011

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Spam friend

Noun - Excessive friends on Facebook that you really wish you did not have:

1. Friends that you accidentally accepted but do not unfriend because you do not want to hurt their feelings.

2. Friends who feed an excessive number of posts to your home page.

3. The hundreds of excess friends that you never talk to or otherwise hear from.

I put all of my spam friends into a single group on Facebook. Now I can be offline to them all the time!

by MargeX July 5, 2009

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