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Spongebob is a hot mess. He's easy to fall inlove with. And he drives Mrs puff nuts, mrs puff wants to kill him. Patrick and spongebob have some sexual tension between them so Patrick stays in his rock.

No spongebob protestes

by Spunkaddiction August 1, 2017


a bottom

antony is such a spongebob man!

by definitelynotmeiswear November 24, 2020


square sponge boy making drugged patties for pennies

bro: stop being like spongebob
bro 2: no

by ADisownedSponge July 20, 2023


Spongebob is used to describe a giante massive horse cock.

1.Omg That Horse Has a Giant SpongeBob!
2. I know right!

by Cheeseyturd December 6, 2021


Spongebob is used to describe a giant horse cock

Hey That horse has a huge Spongebob
I know right!

by Cheeseyturd December 6, 2021


1.One that lives in a pineapple under the seeea...
2. A sponge that wears square pants
3. A sponge that somehow isn't as big as the ocean because sponges soak up water and he lives in it

Ex: OMG you're so fat! You're such a SpongeBob!

by SpookiePookie March 1, 2020


A spongebob is a fictional character that haunts kids it does not have a gender or body but can be heard screaming ARE YOU READY KIDS!?

A spongebob ate my kids

by Wert#@$! October 28, 2019