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boob man

A person (usually male) who most appreciates the breasts of a woman over other parts such as the legs or butt, sometimes to the point of obsession.

Male 1: DAMN! Look at the ass on that girl! Tell me you wouldn't tap that!
Male 2: Mmm, I dunno. I'm more of a boob man, and she's definitely lacking up top.

by Not-that-cool Guy October 31, 2011

106πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Lemon Man

Someone who is sexist. If you ever encounter this type of person call them 'Lemon Man.' The Lemon Man saga is also a heartfelt story that should be read by many.

Person1: women shouldn't be allowed to be CEO. They'll just pain their nails all day.

Person2: Listen Lemon Man. Women are amazing and can go through anything we put our mind to. Please keep your gender roles to yourself.

by TeaTimeAe July 21, 2017

102πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

whos mans is this

A phrase that refers to someone who is a buzzkill, ruining the moment, or pissing you off.

Person 1: Can I see the hw real quick?
Person 2: No, thats cheating
Person 1: Bruh whos mans is this

by shiv1622 January 22, 2017

208πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


To drive right on the dotted white lane divider, which gives the same effect as Pac-Man eating dots.

"Dude, quit pac-manning, you're gonna hit that car!"

by Ron's Cookies April 25, 2007

3412πŸ‘ 337πŸ‘Ž

Man of Honor

This will not be funny, but you should read it anyways, I honestly advise you.

Please don’t discount this because of the archaic gender specificity.

A man of honor is someone who keeps their word. Who treats it like it means something. They respect themselves, enough to be chiefly interested in two things: self-improvement and honor.

It’s difficult to convey the emotional significance of words in text, so I ask that you view this with the lens of a kind, good human, not your internet facade nor who you reveal yourself to be to others. Read this with the eyes of the only person who knows you best, and who doesn’t lie within.

Self-improvement is a matter of two things: respecting yourself enough to want to make yourself better, and respecting others enough to know that their advice holds a kernel of crystallized experience, experience that, no matter how far above them you think you are, cannot be denied. Everyone has something you can learn from. Life isn’t easy; is it really so strange everybody picks things up along the way?

There are many more things that bring a man of honor really mean. All of these, though, are not things I can tell you, but things you have to learn through reflection and humble perception.
And don’t try to learn alone. If you want to truly understand, you have to talk to someone you respect and whose opinion you value. Have a conversation. I guarantee, as long as you take those words to heart, you’ll be a better person for it.

You are a man of honor, just in that you have read this, and I respect you for it. Now go all the way, and learn what you can.

by TrappedInDyedMirrors September 5, 2019

43πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ladies Man

A ladies man is someone who likes girls and has a lot of friends who just so happen to be girls. Typically, a ladies man is supposed to be someone who's attractive, smooth and masculine (though can be a little flamboyant).

However, a ladies man is far different than a womanizer (meaning player). A womanizer will lie to get a girl's attention; A ladies man will be totally honest; A womanizer doesn't respect women; A ladies man loves women, but shows them respect and is generally good to them.

Friend: "Dude, 4 girls just said hi to you in a row! They're still giggling"
Guy: "What can I say? I'm a ladies man!"

by Keep On Truckin' Peepz June 26, 2015

557πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

Ramblin' man

A man who often has a strong affinity for women but is too much of a restless soul to settle down; therefore, he often breaks hearts. His own as much as the women he is with.

Waylon Jennings - I'm a Ramblin' Man.
You're standin' too close to the flame. Once I mess with your mind, Your little heart won't beat the same. Lord, I'm a ramblin' man, Don't mess around with any ol' ramblin' man.

Led Zeppelin - Ramble On.
Got no time to for spreadin' roots. The time has come to be gone. And tho' our health we drank a thousand times. It's time to Ramble on

Allman Brothers Band - Ramblin' Man
Lord, I was born a ramblin' man. Tryin' to make a livin' and doin' the best I can. And when it's time for leavin'. I hope you'll understand. That I was born a ramblin' man.

by freezedawg9 February 28, 2013

127πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž