Source Code

Sale Bat

A bat often brought to a sale by older women which is used to fight for a sale item. Usually done when another grandma tries to get the same sale item you wanted first. Sale Bats are also part of the pre-Christmas workout called 'Sale-R-cise', although it can be used at any time. The first known use of a Sale Bat was on April 27, 2011 when Beatrice and Paul Middleton were playing with one. You have to be careful not to get caught with it or else you will hear Mom yell very loudly.

Beatrice: Hey Wilson, want me to teach you how to use a Sale Bat?

Wilson: (stunned) Are you talking like a vandal? I don't know. What good will a Sale Bat do me? Are you trying to get me in trouble here?

Beatrice: No, this is how you use a Sale Bat. Its a whole lot of fun. What you do is you take it to the store and wait for an old granny like me to come and steal a sale item. Then here's the fun part: you clobber them with it. I mean, you really let 'em have it!

Bryant: Beatrice Elvira Mary Duke Middleton!! What in the world are you teaching him? To steal stuff? Oh my God! My own Gunny Granny, a common criminal!!

Beatrice: (laughing) Well, you want a piece of it! We could We could practice on Grandma Flo. It'd be fun. Then we could go to the store and try it out for real.

Morris: (really angry) Mom, I don't approve of this. You are NOT taking that ball bat to the store. I will not have it!

Beatrice: (starts swinging at Morris with the baseball bat) You want a piece of me, son? Do you?!! Pretend I'm at the store trying to steal something you want. I'm trying to give you all a lesson here. That's all this is.

Morris: Hey, that item was in my cart. Get away from it!! (grabs the bat and whacks Beatrice hard in the arm).

Beatrice: That's it! You've got it now! That's a Sale Bat. Every granny should keep one of these. Even a Gunny Granny like me.

by Dusty's Baby Powder April 29, 2011

Bat Hunters

People with the desire to hunt or catch bats, through various means and practices.

A group of Bat Hunters start a business to go and remove bat infestations from peoples homes.

by RyeGuy25 April 28, 2010

Bat Steg

The unusual mixture of a bat and a Steg with long, thin legs and broad wings.

Look Out! It’s a Bat Steg

by HypeHub July 21, 2020

Bat burglar

Someone who steals kid's baseball bats. Usually after a game or practice.

I'm tired of Timmy's dad, Melvin. Dude is a total bat burglar.

by PDotsky May 12, 2016

Dick Bat

The act of using a mans penis that’s bigger then 6 inches to hit things with preferably baseball

GUYS I FORGOT MY BAT DAWG - just use a dick bat bro

by Slothhy March 27, 2019

Cooter Bats

The bat that lives in the cooter of a female, often mistaken for a Vag-Cat

Bree's Cooter Bats Are so damn loud, i couldn't get any sleep last night

by Rockandrolljunkiie May 12, 2010

Bat Mappers

Bat Mappers are usually very toxic mappers. They make videos on how Albania will 'take over the world' which is EXTREMLY unrealistic, and they still use "Gay", "Kid" and "Serb" as an insult. (They hate Serbia.)

Person 1: Hey, have you heard of these Bat Mappers?
Person 2: No, but I know they make unrealistic mapping videos.
Person 1: Yeah, they also make Albania take over the sea which CAN'T be done.

by SyncNotFound January 17, 2021

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