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roster height

Common term used by athletes that means adding two inches onto true height.

Yoooo Jared said he’s 6 foot
“We all know that’s his roster height he’s only 5’10

by Growupbro January 26, 2024

average blackie height

6'1 1/2

this average blackie height is 6'1 1/2

by SoldNiggaTTV July 14, 2022

Slant height

A short person of whom's stature resembles that of a cone

You look like a slant height.

by Chocothunder March 23, 2017

Ledbetter Heights

n. A place, usually in suburbia, that's an over-populated dump. Most small-town apartment buildings can be refered to as such.

"Joe lives out in Ledbetter Heights"

by TransMayernik May 10, 2005

heights boys

Grade 10 assholes. With sexist mf mouths. Can’t score girls unless they take out the lax stick from their ass.

Do you date them heights boys?

No they have sticks in their asses

by zaza.the.bitch June 14, 2022

Table Height

A complex way of using a win condition in the most idiotic way. Table Height is a win condition of it's self as well being an unfinished sentence for your English 2 class.

Person 1: I swear to God if you speak more nonsense.
Person 2: Table Height

by Pal Sallie March 26, 2023

Delicious Heights

A godly pub located in New Jersey, The food their is said to give you god powers

Person: hey wanna go to delicious heights?
Person 2: Y E S

by Why are looking at this March 11, 2020