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Ham Pancake

Big, baggy, voluptuous vagina

Grace your ham pancake is hanging out!

by Brian96 August 21, 2022

pancake top

a flabbier version of muffin top, whereby abdominal fat spills over a woman's pant waist. the pancake top is characterized by a lower cellulite content and higher water content than the muffin top. see muffin stump for opposite end of the pant-waist-fat-spillover spectrum.

damn when that chick walks her pancake top jiggles like crazy.

by wysiwyggy May 15, 2009

Clam pancake

n. When something goes really bad or is a big failure.

That motorcycle jump was such a clam pancake.

by FarmerPT October 30, 2019

Pancake Suicide

a drill used in volleyball, usually for punishment. The players line up on the back line, do suicides (run from the baseline, to the ten-foot line, to the baseline again) but instead of touching the line, everyone must slide, doing a volleyball pancake. Your entire body slides on the floor as you dive flat, and it leaves bruises on your hips, especially. After you dive to the ten-foot line, you get up, turn around, run and dive to the baseline, then repeat to the half-court and the opposite ten-foot lines.

When the players had missed too many passes, the volleyball coach made them all do pancake suicides.

by ASKLFLDFLKJDSF March 8, 2011

Sticky Pancaked

When you nut between someone's cheeks and it drys up so it's sticky and they can't poop because they can't pull there ass apart.

I just sticky pancaked ur mom.

by Bebop Man September 18, 2021

bacon and pancakes

bacon pancakes bacon bacon pancakes put some bacon and i put it in a pancake

bacon and pancakes sounds pretty good brb

by reddit is basically pornhub February 2, 2021

Gucci Pancakes

“When you’re wearing Gucci pants that are so tight that your BALLSACK gets squished into little tiny Gucci Pancakes.”

Kieran: “ Damn I got Gucci Pancakes.”
Devin: “Gucci pancakes are delicious!”

by Damnthatcatsexy January 3, 2020

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