When someone finger bangs you so well and so hard, you squirm and jump around a little before you fill the palm of their hand with your cum.
His middle finger is so long, he hits my button perfectly when he finger bangs me, it turns me into a super happy puddle jumper!
Derogatory word for one of Trinidad decent
Look at that Puddle Jumper over there
That boy is a Puddle Jumper
The derogatory word for a person of Trinidad decent
Look at that Puddle jumper
An Inbreed with a Very Shallow Gene Pool which is a Puddle
That's your friend the Puddle Jumper
One that has sex or promices to have sex with whoever holds the bigger bag. Not to be confused by bag whore a puddle jumper will do whatever sexual favor only to be smoked out.
Damn look at Cindy acting like a damn puddle jumper again.
Sticking you penis in a wet vagina.
Tammy how about some early morning puddle dipping before we go to work?
The act of tiptoeing through wet areas.
Person A: I'm not walking in the backyard!
Person B: It rained last night! Deal with it!
Person A: If I must go outside right now, I will be puddle tapping!