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Sky Q

rich people skybox who pay too much to watch tlc, idris elba tries to ram it down your throat

"I have sky q. im rich. fuck you."

by dankpodsscottthewozpyro February 12, 2021


1)The greatest shark around, the smartest shark in town, Sky-Byte, that's him!
2)The bestest Transformers character from an anime nobody remembers who was a repaint of some other nobody called Cybershark who wasn't in anything

1) "Who's the greatest shark around? Who's the smartest shark in town? Sky-Byte, that's me!"
2) "Dude, Sky-Byte was my favourite character in RID 2001!"

"Yeah, but... what is RID?"

"That obscure Transformers anime nobody remembers. What was I talking about again?"


"Oh yeah!"

by Some guy nobody cares about January 21, 2021

sky me

fuck me

sky me

by pplover987654321 November 4, 2019

sky me

fuck me after the game

Do you want to sky me

by pplover987654321 November 3, 2019


The act of ejaculating out of a window aiming at random passers by.

I'm sky-lofting on that bitchs head down there.

by ChicagoDave August 14, 2012


a very tall building, whose roof seems to be kissing the sky; skyscraper.

New York City is full of sky-kissers.

by uttam maharjan August 30, 2012

the sky is falling

A really fun game where you tell your friend the sky is falling and then hit them on the head with a closed fist

Liam started to cry after everyone played the sky is falling with him

by Jay Clarkson July 6, 2005

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