Source Code

Penis Gang

A gang that particularly has very small male genitalia, This gang is known for smoking coc and eating penus for lunch and linner

Boy 1: Have you heard of Penis Gang?
Boy 2: Yeah they been smokin dicks n' shit in my school

by SwagMaster87 November 9, 2017

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Nigga gang

When someone says something really cool

Also known as a gang full of coons

That nigga gang was the shit

by JussaynFergom12 May 7, 2015

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Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking is a psychological operation adopted by a group of people against another person or group. The objective of this sadistic psy-op game is to cause the victim or victims to fear for their safety, drive them crazy or make them look like they're crazy if they try to report it. Gang Stalking tactics use covert methods to psychologically harass the victim. It is designed to leave little forensic evidence making it difficult to prove and leads the TI/s feeling harassed or psychologically disturbed.

Below is a small list of some of the common stalking tactics:
- Repeatedly following someone

- Repeatedly threatening someone

- Spreading slanderous rumors and making bogus "investigations"
- Making unwanted nuisance phone call and illegal eavesdropping
- Sending unwanted emails and computer hacking
- Sending unwanted text messages

- Leaving threatening voice mails
- Crowding or mobbing the victim in grocery stores or shopping malls
- Leaving threatening anonymous notes for the victim to find
- Leaving objects with significant "messages" for the victim to find

- Breaking into the victim’s home

- Breaking into the victim’s car


I was a target of gang stalking after I blew the whistle on my sexist boss. He hired a creepy sleuth to follow me around for months and then that creepy sleuth got his minions to gang stalk me for years.

by iculeiu February 9, 2022

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bloodhound gang

A very excellent band from King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, who arent afraid to be non-PC while singing about strippers and pr0n stars and such. There really is more to them, and those who have only heard "Bad Touch" are missing out on a lot of great music. Oh well, more for me.

Well I find it quite a thrill
When she grinds me against her will
A lapdance is so much better when the stripper is cryin'
-BloodHound Gang, Lapdance Song

by Utz89 November 8, 2004

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Gang Hoe

The 1-3 girls who roll around with the crew to fuck at any given moment, any given gang member, and any given hole the gang members please.

The L.L.'s were cruisin down the street and Joel looked at Jill and said hey gang hoe, its go time. they then began to fuck in the middle of the street

by ZMESS November 13, 2010

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Wall Gang

a meme that first originated from a pewdiepie youtube livestream, as a gang in between floor gang and ceiling gang.

wall gang has big pp.

pewds is wall gang because he rested his back on the wall IN ALL HIS VIDEOS.


by what_am_i_doing_lol May 9, 2020

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914 Gang

914 Gang is one of the most notorious gangs in all of the US, comparable to that of the Crips and Bloods. Located in southern Westchester, New York, the name derives from the telephone area code of Westchester County (914). In order to determine if one is in this gang, the person would have the digits "914" in the front or the back of their Instagram and/or Twitter username. Though comparable to the Crips and Bloods, their weapons of choice include Juuls, wax pens, and Honda Civic Si's.

Person X: Dude, did you know John was in the 914 gang? His Instagram username is john_914.
Person Y: Shit really?! Oh yeah, I did see him Juuling the other day.
Person X: Yeah, I also saw him driving his stanced Honda Civic Si the other day.

by Jp_gamez25 March 20, 2018

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