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bot rot

Anal and buttock related diseses

ohh, i have a severe case of bot rot.

dont go near him, hes got bot rot

by rick taylor January 27, 2004

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another version of Troy Holliday, located in AL.

whuddup troy-bot!

by Trebek September 7, 2003

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Horny Bots

Those Bots that add you on windows live messenger, usually with a single name and made up last name in their email address, who add you at complete random.

'Hi, asl, cam to cam? I'm horny tonight' - is usually what they initiate conversations with.

... I don't think this needs an example. They're Horny Bots... >.>

by wtflolol June 19, 2009

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Not so great.

Created when trying to write "not so great" but hitting the b key since the letters are too close to each other anyway; and spell check not finding the misspelling.

Both a noun and an adjective.

Yo! How was your weekend?
Bot, man. It was bot so great.

by alliwalk August 15, 2007

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CCP bot

Also known as a CCP (Chinese Communist Party) puppet or a Chinese bot. Used to refer to or publicly bash anyone that dares to post opinions or facts that are not anti-CCP or even pro-CCP or on Social Networking Sites, especially when they actually make sense and you want to shut them up.

Made popular when SNS services such as twitter and facebook claimed that they censored a large number of "Chinese bots" in 2019, with many of them being actual Chinese users overseas or using VPNs. Since then, it's become acceptable to refer to obviously real persons as CCP bots.

"Maybe we should wear masks to avoid catching the coronavirus."

"It's a CCP propaganda to sell masks to other countries in order to economically control them, with the ultimate evil goal of taking over the world, you CCP bot! Shut up and go back to your country!"

by theRealCCPBot March 30, 2020

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THOT bot

Those goddamn "WANNA SCREW? CLICK MY PFP" sort of bots that deserve a new category of spam.

"Tommy starts to watch a YouTube Video and all he sees are THOT bots"

by LVL_50_Gnome_Lord982 October 10, 2021

roll bot

a super heady stoner-proof device used to roll marijuana cigarettes.

a robot roll bot

by Tarz1 November 15, 2010