Vida X Vision stands for life's unknown future it can also be used on a person that is filled with "wonder"
Guy:wonder where we do we go when we all fall asleep
Girl:ah you are just so vida X Vision
Being unable to see all the chores/uni work you have to do, or thinking you've done all of them, because you're too busy watching TV. A mix between "done all" and "tunnel vision"
Person 1: Bro, Stephanie has like 4 assignments due this week and she's watching TV!
Person 2: She doesn't know that, she has major dunnell vision bro
When your elf on the shelf draws glasses on your face so you can Santa in his sleigh better at night.
My elf on the shelf gave me elf vision!
When you’ve been on your computer or phone too long that your vison gets blurry or you get sleepy
I’ve been on my computer all day working on this project I’m starting to get tired vision.
When someone of a higher power/management decides to act on impulse regardless of how anyone else feels or has concerns about, in other words they dont give a flying fuck and only care bout their status.
I hate when my managers dont listen to what i have to say, its like they have management tunnel vision.
When a girl doesn't have a Valentine cleasely leading up to Valentines Day. Resulting in either two things:
1.) Girl settling for a guy to fill the void of present non-existent Valentine
2.)V-Day Boycotting and pronouncing self-empowerment without a Valentine
Dude the only reason she is with you is because she's got that Valentine Vision