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A wallet (Wall-Let) is a harlot that hits the wall and desperately doubles down on the treasure hunt as she realizes many men don't want her any more.

I can't go down to starschmucks any more without at least one of those sad old wallets all up on my shit.

by Social Distomancy March 3, 2024



Nina= Ugh my boyfriend only bought me a coach bag

Angie= hes being a wallet lol

by HUH? YEAH IM BI June 3, 2021


Droopy, saggy breasts

Man, that girl had a set of wallets.

by rfaf June 3, 2016

Glizzy Wallet

No Penetration, just sliding your dick up and down an ass crack

Bro-1: how was your night?

Bro-2: thought we were gonna have sex but just ended up doing the olé Glizzy wallet

by Mcnuggs10! July 2, 2022

Wallet Attack

When another person causes you spend alot of money, usually used in the future tense when someone accompanying you (usually female) sees something in a window they like

X: OMG look at those shoes

Y: Err yea...

Z: i Feel a wallet attack coming on

by HarryG!! August 19, 2010

Wallet mouth

A person that would Say or do anything for money, because a full wallet is worth their morality and ethics

that wallet mouth betrayed us for pocket change

by April 19, 2021


Term for some one that is well to do money wise and is a asshole and is painfully aware and likes to share

Dude that walleted guy, just gave me a hard time for what I am wearing

by N4626 May 20, 2019