Indicates extra smelly poop and/or farts.
*derived from "going to Walmart" as code for "I have to go to the bathroom to poo" or "I am going to the bathroom as a courtesy to you, because I will be farting in there.
*see "going to Walmart"
Don't go in that bathroom for a while, I must have bought something bad from Walmart!
Did you buy something bad from Walmart? Cuz that bathroom fan's been going for 2 hours and it still smells in there.
Stop buying things from Walmart! No one can go in that bathroom cuz it stinks so bad!
Cropdusting minors is bad enough, but it's worse when you bought something bad from Walmart!
This horrible advertisement that has a thumbnail of a kid looking up of a- yeah see it for yourself. It also shows "Walmart Shoppers That'll Make You Say Damn"!
Me: *bored so goes to Urban Dictionary*
Urban: "Walmart Shoppers That'll Make You Say Damn"
Me: bitch who tf made this an advertisement
The flu like cold that goes around Walmart every year, slowly getting worse until it disappears. In some people, it turns to pneumonia
"Shit, I caught the Walmart flu."
"Don't give it to me!"
This isnt Know your meme
Yodeling Walmart Kid probably has an article of it on know your meme
A 2018 meme that started with a boy yodeling to a song in Walmart.
Friend 1: Did you see the new yodeling walmart kid meme?
Friend 2: DooOoooOOoOoOooo
Walmart paradox refers to the futile locking of common household items to reduce theft but then not hiring enough staff to allow people to buy the items stuck in the case incurring loss of sales
Synonyms dilemma, quagmire
The Walmart paradox is a stupid solution causing the same problem
Chanel vs walmart is whenever you see something really awesome and cool, but then you see a cheap copycat version of it
An example of a Chanel vs Walmart
Chanel: Nicki Minaj
Walmart: Iggy Azalea