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Low god

This term is used when you don’t want to say on god but you still want to swear on something so you say low god

Ayy low god I’m straight

by Bigboy_911 April 26, 2019


Instead of taking the high road, it's super woke to low-road people. The simple insinuation that your friends and family have wronged you is plenty for them to see things your way. And we all know, you're in the right, right? If you weren't, you wouldn't be.

Did someone assume your gender? How dare they.
Are they tired of your shit? Hitler was tired of the Jews.
Do they have lighter skin than you? How can they sleep at night knowing they're oppressing a visible minority?

You're sure a fan of low-roading, snowflake.

by FoxNSox January 12, 2019

low homo

Instead of no homo , use low homo when something might slightly be gay.

Mary: Hey Linda, I really like your tits, but low homo.

by nonibäääär December 9, 2015

Low G

a half assed OG

He thought he was an og but was only a Low G.

by Swole D-bag October 28, 2017

2👍 1👎

low storage


Person 1: Yo my phones got low storage

Person 2: Ok bro I'll miss you a lot. Your funeral is gonna be lit!

by FAPPIN IT March 16, 2016

low guinea

Low class Italians, generally ones who wear wife beater T-shirts, scam the system and know people in the pizza business. Houses always smell of some type of low grade Italian food.

Low guineas use an oil dip stick for shishkabobs, then return it to the car.

by tirtle April 21, 2018

low flashpoint

Said of an individual who is easily angered, often over minor and imagined offenses. A volatile person.

Watch out for her, she's got a low flashpoint.

by Blizz43 April 29, 2011