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Zoe Stone

the most beautiful girl in the world.

zoe stone is amazing.

by Yoloswag456238 May 28, 2020

Zoe Taylor

All Taylor’s are milfs, especially Zoe Taylor, she can party all night and still look sexy asf.

Me: GO ON zoe Taylor


by YourLocalBadmintonPlayer May 31, 2020

Zoe and Ivy

Literally the closest best friends ever. they look alike and people mix them up a lot. They are pretty different but that's what makes them so perfect. Zoe is weird af but she's the life of any party and she's drop-dead gorgeous. She gets jealous of any friends that Ivy has because she doesn't want to lose her best friend. She's likes to socialize and loves social media. She's the one who gets into more trouble. Ivy is more quiet and down to earth. She's a beautiful, cute girl who loves drawing, animals and being surrounded by people and things that make her feel good. She's outgoing and fun. She's smart but she doesn't try at times because she's just naturally really smart. She's really lazy. when you put them together, they could stop anyone that came in their way.

who are they?
Oh that's Zoe and Ivy best friends for lifeee

by fucku1 October 29, 2019

Zoe Lasagna

Zoe Laverne who is our one and only queen. Nobody could change my mind.........

Zoe Lasagna is my queen

by xyobbygirlx October 9, 2020

Zoe Logic

When something makes absolutely 0 sense. And there’s no telling them otherwise. And when you actually think about what was said. It makes even less sense.

*goes on vacation
“You don’t love me
“Wow. Zoe logic.”

by martinichio August 26, 2022

Zoe and tony

Zoe and tony are the best couple

Zoe and tony are the best we all must ship them together if you ship them with me your a good human but if you don’t stfu your lame af we all must ship toe not zawson not zody only toe because they are the best couple go check their official tiktok account it’s so cute cuter than a panda love you toe

by Lol I won’t tell you my name January 17, 2021

chonie zoe

Chonie Zoe a zesty taco fiesta, no party is complete without her. She’s the dip to my chip. She is a sweet, intelligent, funny, chonie.

CHONIE ZOE she’s the real deal.”
“it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s super chonieeee!”

by choniejo April 13, 2019