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cheeky double

When you lick out a girls butt and she shits in your mouth so when you licking her out you squirt it in her vagina

H31d1 just did a cheeky double on m4x

by Abcdefg anal June 7, 2016

Cheeky Texas Style

When a drunk guy eats a girl's ass while wearing a plastic 10 gallon Texas hat

John: You'll never believe this! I ate her out cheeky Texas style!
Mike: Dude, no way!

by Dr William Minor July 1, 2020

Cheeky jaimee poke

Cumming on the bridge of your nose so you can’t see then farting in your mouth just for fun

I’ll cheeky Jamiee poke ya dad if you’re not careful mate. Wallop cheeky jaimee poke

by Mangletooth1 March 9, 2024

cheeky beans

a phrase used to express happiness or as a response to a positive statement

Harry: how was your day?
John: my nan died
Harry: cheeky beans

by bigD7117 January 18, 2022

cheeky hickey

When your Mom gives you a Kiss in a Sexual way.

Mother:Why, hello there Jimmy...

Mother gives Jimmy a Cheeky Hickey...


by Dada The Genderless October 19, 2019

Cheeky Nandos

When you and the lads are excessively consuming Stella Artois and some bloke you cant remember because you're drunk has the miraculously great idea of a cheeky Nandos. Since Nandos is commonly described as the best food known to man, everyone else inclusing you agree. A surprisingly short period of time later, everyone who is white, pale or untrained, for some reason finds LEMON AND FOKIN HERB SPICY.

“Let's have some Cheeky Nandos!”
"Cor, thats a great idea!"

by qwertyuiopasdffghjjklzxcvbnm December 6, 2021

Cheeky Nando's

A short outing with the bois to Nando's. Lads usually order chicken at these times. A cheeky Nando's can not be completed without cracking open a cold one.

You up for a cheeky Nando's?

Yeah mate, I'm in the mood for a cold one.

by TheTruestDefinitions November 27, 2018