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A word students use to call out teacher's threats.

STUDENT: blah blah I won't stop talking and hate life so I'll be a little annoying shithead

TEACHER: Luke, be quiet or I'll call your house right now

STUDENT: (knowing the teacher is too busy to make that phone call right now) Bet!

by AlJerryZeera March 23, 2022


Gamble, bet on something, can lose or win

dont reccoment it butok man

Person 1: Hey, whoever gets most money by friday wins.

Person 2: aight bet

by SOOTEEKII June 2, 2020


A word zar refuses to replace, prefers to emphasize on the s as in “betsssss,” and recycles like there is no tomorrow.

Z: “Come visit me in college
Zar: “Betssss”

by zarz2020 April 22, 2020


Slang: to make an agreement a comfirm decision basically saying yes OK I understand now


by Hiyalolasr January 24, 2025


A shorten version of "you bet."
Contrary to popular belief bet originated In white communities. Short for "you bet."

Guy1: Hey you coming up tonight?
Guy2: Bet

by Actual Disney December 7, 2019


Has 2 definitions :

1 . To agree with something, a synonym for "sure" or "okay"

2 . To doubt about something that seems very fucking weird or gay.

(First example)
Mom : Honey! The food is served, come down now!

You : Bet.

(Second example)
Your friend : I have the n word pass, I can say it whenever I want.

You : Bet that you have it, you need a nigga like me.

by The fucking n word May 7, 2019


Bet (archaic) used to mean to wager against someone that you are right and the are wrong.

Or can mean that something is definitely true when both parties are in agreement.

Wana bet?
Bet me.

Safe bet.
I bet you're right.

by Joshamaphone May 10, 2023