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Bite Constructor

One who specifically builds each bite when eating food. They will inspect the food and place different elements from their plate onto the utensil to ensure that each bite is perfect and delicious. When eating pizza, tacos, or burgers, the bite constructor masterfully makes sure there is a piece of every topping in each bite. This assures that the whole meal is enjoyed, and every bite as delicious as the last. They will not compromise a single bite to be slightly mediocre.

I'm a bite constructor, I want to make sure every bite is good.

by The Original Bite Constructor March 5, 2011

Biting Goat

A biting goat is any novice outdoorsman that generally gets in the way, makes a nuisance of themselves, or otherwise inhibits the enjoyment of the outdoors or a particular sport/activity because of their lack of skill or knowledge or self-awareness. Synonym to “Jerry”

Me at the trailhead: Alright bois, look alive, the trails are thick with Biting Goats
The bois: Ah sh**

by BusterGotYost December 4, 2019

Biting The Board

Also referred to as a nasty spill, fall or a trip. Past Tense: Bit The Board

I bit the board falling off a swing one time impressing this girl.

by Nightcrawler March 27, 2003

Sophie Bite

So, you take a HUUUUUGGGGGEEEE bite of food


by THE FATTY WHO MADE IT June 11, 2021

The Snake Bite

The snake bite

The woman is on her back with her legs spread with full access to her pussy. While her partner uses their fingers to pleasure her, they stops and make the number 2 symbol “slightly modified with their index and middle fingers slightly bent to resemble snake fangs” with their dominant hand. They angle punch the woman’s pussy. Their thumb, ring, and pinky fingers make contact with her vagina at the same time as the index and middle fingers hit her clit with the same force.

Male version

The male bends over as their partner, makes the same hand shape as the female version and they, angle punch the man’s testicles. Their thumb, ring, and pinky fingers make contact with his testicles at the same time as the index and middle fingers hit his ass hole with the same force.

Andy gave me “The Snake Bite” the other night. My clit has been bruised ever since!

by August 14, 2022

The snake bite

When one sucks out his own ejaculate from the vagina as a method of birth control

Bazza came to fast last Saturday, so he used the snake bite to suck out the baby venom

by Jadepugmire March 22, 2018

Bite The Ear

An expression used to represent when someone is whipped in a relationship.

“You see Aaron over there with Nicki. Oh my god he’s about to bite the ear.”

by lit.shitty March 17, 2019