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Ok Boomer

The number one cause of family feuds on Thanksgiving of 2019

Used when you cannot defend your arguments and need a way to escape out of a mildly stressful situation.

Kid-“Its all your generations fault that the environment is ruined”
Grandpa-“The majority of pollution comes from Asian countries where ironically one of the leading outputs are the companies which make the very phones you are complaining about the environment on”
kid-“Ok boomer”
Grandpa- “Hand over you phone and go to you room”
mom-“How dare you misgender me, I am your self aware alien dragon birther. Go to your room you racist whitey. Also respect your elders

Welcome to clownworld, stay a while

by Dositio November 3, 2019

57👍 71👎

Boomer Groomer

Boomer groomers are underaged children that sexually assault individuals who are over 18.

I sexually identify as a boomer groomer.

by Valkyrie Ink March 16, 2021

6👍 2👎

Boomer Juice

Another term for coffee.

Old man Mike isn’t worth a shit in the morning, until he drinks his Boomer Juice.

by DefLeppardSucks October 18, 2022

8👍 2👎

Boomer Mom

1.A woman resembling a "Boomer" from Valve's Left 4 Dead series.

2.A mother who accompanies her daughter everywhere.

Person 1: What happened man?


1: Did she vomit on you again?

2: Yep...

1: Get ready to fight the horde

by patman2492 April 25, 2011

4👍 2👎

Ok boomer

A slang term used as a response to a statement made by a person from the baby boomer generation. I.e someone likely born between the years of 1945-1960.

The term is a logical fallacy called an ad hominem which addresses the characteristics of the person rather than their statement or position.

It is also used as a meme, and has started simp wars on twitter over the Bernie “ok boomer” girl.

One of the worst memes ever created.

“Cutting in line is disrespectful, you shouldn’t do that.” -said Frank aged 60
Whatever you say, boomer. Ok, ok boomer.” -said some random teenager with no respect for anything

by RobertWill April 22, 2020

47👍 56👎

Boomer Remover

Aka covid 19 aka coronavirus. You get it cuz it only affects people over the age of 60. Ha.

P1: the coronavirus is now referred to as the 'boomer remover'

by loldix March 14, 2020

6👍 4👎

Ok Boomer

when people born between 1946-1964 don't have a fucking clue about anything and their being annoying.

Thanos: I am inevitable
Iron Man: Ok Boomer

by an average girl November 18, 2019

26👍 29👎