Scent free diaper. I lied about the smell.
Diapers Delight is making you feel overly positive by simply liying about good air.
mouth breathers who spend an inordinate amount of time digging around inside their diapers for shit (both real and metaphorical) to spout, eat or sniff.
QAnon rally today gathered together a large group of diaper miners to eagerly listen to their manipulators warn them about the deep state lizard people taking their guns and giving their Muslim dogs abortions.
When your coworker’s baby thunders warm, gooey shit in the middle of your staff meeting.
Dear god did your baby just make a diaper slug?!
A diaper that is yellow due to urination.
Typically caused by babies or old people.
Granny just gave herself a yellow diaper.
The act of shitting on your partners face, whilst your pants are still on.
Hey Luke, did Jennifer tell you about the brown diaper i gave her?
Yeah man, she said it was a real steamer!
When a child has so much shit in their diaper that the entire diaper is the size of an Afro from a black man in the 70’s at the disco
Yo, my 3 y/o had an afro diaper last night. It was lit.
The low man on the totem pole. The person, who because of their status or ineptitude, is accustomed to taking other people's shit and being routinely pissed on.
Boss man: "Hey everyone, let me introduce you to the new community diaper, Tom! He' s gonna be filling in for Sarah while she's away for the next few months, so feel free to shit on him just like you would her!"
Tom: "hi, I'm Tom.........."