The word Felix is the Swedish equivalent to Chad. A Felix is good-looking, has swag, and has no problem picking up birds. A Felix is the sexiest guy who has ever walked this planet, truly the pinnacle of mankind. But behind the curtains, he plays Dungeons and Dragons, watches My Little Pony, and pees on snails.
A Felix's drink of choice is typically gluten-free wine with two ice cubes and a straw. As glorious as Felix's tend to be , they always has a Nicki Minaj tattoo on their left butt cheek.
''And the winner of Mister Olympia 2023 is a Felix''
He is a perfect peson an gets all the girls and he is a prel lover and a panda lover and he loves food he is awsome
Omg he is such a felix i want to be gay so i can be his boyfrend even do he is strait
A person who hates people who search for their name on Urban Dictionary.
You heard Megan keeps on posting her name’s definition on Urban Dictionary, Felix wouldn’t be happy!
Felix can be a girl name. she is a bad ass has a lot of confidence who looks like a bad ass all the time and doesnt give a crap about bad people. she’s gorgeous and independent, reads books, listens to music, GREAT Artist and dances, soccer player/athletic positive than most. believes and focused in herself and dreams and Can be hella chill and funny at the same time. hangs out with most of the guys to ignore the girl drama. she’s only nice to people who are nice to her. Always honest and responsible.
Bro invite Felix over she’s hella chill
We want Felix in our study group
Felix is always independent and dancing to her music
Felix is so smart and ignores the drama that won’t matter in 3 years or so
A Felix is the sweetest guy you'll ever meet. He deserves the world, honestly. He can always make you smile, even when he's sad. He's the guy who will cheer you up with memes and ask you how you are when you think no one cares. He has the biggest heart and the most beautiful eyes. If you have a Felix, protect him with your life cause he's an innocent bean. He's a dork, but he's the best and if you find yourself a Felix, you are very lucky.
Felix? Yeah, I know him he's my best friend.
Just a friend, huh.