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joke killer

A person who puts an end to a funny joke, or line of jokes.

When someone tries to be funny but instead stops everyone else from laughing.

Elmo(Hypebeast) from excentrixgamingis a joke killer.

We are on Ventrilo telling jokes and laughing at stupid shit and elmo will come out of nowhere and kill the joke.

Elmo gets paid $2.15 an hour to kill jokes.

Albeezy "Id have to be hella high to laugh at one of Elmo's jokes, stupid nigga kills everything."

by AnthonyGG October 6, 2006

46๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

black joke

whats the difference between a black guy and a pizza?

a pizza can feed a family of four!!!!!

that is the worst black joke out there.

by matt412 July 12, 2007

118๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

Darren Joke

A Joke made by a person named Darren, Usually relating to the subject that is being talked about. These Jokes are Corny and are not funny in the right sense of the word. This Joke is then followed by a dance, letting all know that a Darren Joke has been told.

"That Geography class was fair Rocky"

by Cian Mc May 9, 2008

57๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

funny joke

How do you keep four blondes entertained in a bar? Turn the bar stool upside down. That's pretty funny.


Son: Dad, everyone in my class is talking about vaginas, but I don't get it. What do they look like?

Dad: Well son, before sex it looks like a beautiful unopened rose.

Son: So what does it look like after sex?

Dad: Hmm...Lemme put it this way...have you ever seen a bulldog eat mayonaise?


A husband said to his wife, "Honey, can I take a picture of your breasts so I can see them whenever I want?" And the wife replied, "Yeah, sure. But then I get to take a picture of your shlong so I can get it enlarged."


*NEWSFLASH* Snow White was chucked out of Disney World. She reportedly pulled up her skirt, sat on Pinnochio's face and said, "LIE BASTARD, LIE"


So a guy is walking down the street and he sees a sign outside a bar that says, "Pianist Wanted." The guy goes into the bar and says, "Hi, I saw the sign outside your bar." The owner says, "Oh yes. Can you play piano?" The guy says, "Well, I haven't played in a few years, but I used to be quite good at it." The owner gestures to a piano in the corner and says, "Show me what you can do." The guy goes over and starts to play the most beautiful piece that the bar owner has ever heard. When he's finished the owner says, "That was so amazing. What is it called?" The guy says, "Oh, it's called Your Mom Is A Big Fat Slut. I wrote it myself." The owner is a little weirded out, but says, "Okay, whatever. What else can you play?" The guy begins to play another song. This one is even more beautiful than the other one, and by the end the owner feels his eyes tearing. He says, "That is so impressive." The guy says, "Thank you. It's called Your Sister Slept With The Football Team. I wrote it myself" After a bit of thinking, the owner says, "Well, you get the job. Come around tonight, and just do your thing. People will request songs, but you just have to remember NOT to tell them the title of the song."

So the guy goes home, and at 8pm, he dons his old tux. However, because he hasn't worn it in a while, and he's gained some weight over the years, he can only fit into it if he isn't wearing underwear. But no matter, he goes to the bar.

While he's walking there, he realizes that he dropped his money, so he bends down to pick it up. What he doesn't realize though, is that when he bends over, his pants split open.

So now he's in the bar, and everyone loves his piano skills. Then some chick comes up to him and says, "Hey guy, do you know your fat hairy balls are showing?" The guy looks up and smiles proudly, saying, "Oh yes! I wrote it myself!"

funny jokes are something that someone tells and everyone else pretends to laugh at.

by Tinkerbelll May 21, 2004

129๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

Korean joke

talking about something evidently unture just for fun, especially in the aspects of research, invention, intellectual property, etc.

-Actually I was the one who discovered America, then I told Columbus there is a such place, and he just simply took my credit.
-Stop telling your Korean jokes!

by John Fa king Smith November 24, 2009

62๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Panama Joke

Another name for a running-gag joke told by senior members of a club/organization/military to junior members that have no previous personal knowlage of the people involed in the the joke. The joke usualy involves obsurde snippit's of information alluding to a larger, most likely to top all story about a vacation/trip/deployment (in some cases to Panama, due to it's interest to others simply as a foriegn country, it's lack of reccord keeping, or the fact that "Panama" is a fairly easy word to remember) that had gone horrably wrong. The cleverness of the joke comes form the presenter's ability to make the hints as outlandish as possable without the junior or reciever figuring out it is a hoax, and while only alluding to the actual story.

Hey, that cherry has no Idea were pulling a panama (panama joke) on him!

by Kyle, 1st. LT January 4, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

joke buzzard

An individual whose comedic timing leaves much to be desired. A joke buzzard will absorb a joke, process it, and sit on it...until three months after the joke ceases to be funny, when the J.B. will swoop down with an unfunny joke like a hawk on crack and killing any conversation in its path.

A Rosie O'Donnell joke? Seriously? This guy's a freakin' joke buzzard. There are buildings younger than that lame one-liner.

by Grant B. January 23, 2008

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