the act of looking longingly into a fridge hoping a food substance will inspire you but without reward.
Jesus, Derrick! Stop fridging. Shut the bloody door. You keep staring into the fridge like different food is going to magically appear. News flash. It won’t.
An additional fridge kept in a garage almost exclusively for alcohol.
Man, you're out of beer! Oh don't worry there's more in the Florida fridge.
Sneaking away to have sex under the guise of storing leftovers.
- Where are Jon and Mary?
- They went on a date. Jon said they'd come over after they put the pizza in the fridge.
Slang for a woman having an egg on hold for invitro fertilization
If she’s got a pie in the fridge then you know she’s open for business
A fridge whistler refers to someone who snitches on someone who takes food out of a fridge without telling the owner of the fridge/food inside the fridge
Did you tell mum I took food out of the fridge? You’re such a fridge whistler
A person(s) usual close friends or family members or teenagers who remove the contents of your fridge or cupboards as soon as you've brought the edible food items home from the supermarket. The food stuffs are meant to last a week/fortnight etc but are all gone within an hour.
Me: puts shopping away in fridge*
Fridge locusts - typically teenagers: within 60 seconds that the fridge door closes, enter kitchen, remove food from fridge and retreat into their lair for consumption .
Me: few hours later go for brew and mars bar *empty wrapper! *
A popular character from the hit show breaking bad created by Vince Gilligan
Gas stove and fridge was blown up by hectar Salamander