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Garbage Bag Pants

Extremely tight black pants, that resemble fake leather, or maybe vinyl. Girls used to wear them early 2000-2002, and being slightly glossy, they looked somewhat like they were made from garbage bags. Also referred to as "gbp"

High school girls would walk around in these tight black pants, which usually made their ass look all stretched and squished like an old ladies...someone in your group would say "GBP" and you all knew some broad was wearing the garbage bag pants

by Gorlack August 5, 2010

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garbage bag asshole

Term describing the anus of a promiscuous homosexual male.

Damn, bro ... that bitch I brought home from Maneuver's last night had such a garbage bag asshole that I had to squeeze the ass cheeks around my cock so I could feel anything.

by CapnCrouton May 4, 2004

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african garbage disposal

When you put your penis in someones asshole, you take it out and the female gives you a blowjob. But as the female is giving you a blowjob their is still faeces on your penis

That dirty bitch Megan gave me an African Garbage Disposal last night!

by MoDz March 19, 2017

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Fork in the garbage disposal

A sex position where the guy sticks his "fork" in the ladies "garbage disposal" and gyrates whilst making the most confusing and profound noises available.

Man A "Man, Mary and me totally tried sticking my fork in the garbage disposal"
Man B "Oh yeah? howd that go?"
Man A "Oh i took her trash OUT my friend"
Man B"Disturbing. Very disturbing"

by Don KiPunch February 2, 2010

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stop reading garbage

If you don't like something, DON'T FREAKING READ IT!!!

This is gross, I think I shall stop reading it...

by jj November 18, 2004

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Otto the garbage man

noun (origin - circa 1993, Los Angeles) a racial insult directed toward Jews, as evidenced by the dialogue below from Pulp Fiction, a cult classic.

"Now Jimmie, don't do nothin' stupid like puttin' that out in front of your house for Otto the garbage man to take away."


by Klizack March 31, 2006

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Mad Sick Garbage

Something really cool that you just have to say something cause you feel like it

Mad Sick Garbage!

by Higgins June 8, 2003

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