Source Code

German shower

Drink a cold beer while you're having a hot shower.

Silly Jakob had a german shower before heading to the club.

by Mr M. February 28, 2022

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A person from Germany

Synonyms are: Gay



Man that person is so 'German' means man that person is so gay

by Gay and Europian March 6, 2017

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german tourette's

a mild form of tourette's that only rears its ugly head when in the company of germans. you can't help but mention the war, killing jewish people or the hitler.

sorry jurgen i could probably be friends with you if hitler hadn't been such a shit and started the war that we won.

by bill oddey March 3, 2004

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German Boy

A sexy man with a hot face who makes a wonderful toy. He will leave you wanting more. And when your done it will a savory and sweet german taste in your mouth.

I want and need a German boy.

by mrcarylover April 25, 2019

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German soilder

A German male's circumsized penis. Called this because the head of the penis looks like a "soilder's" helmut.

I have a German soilder because I'm part German and my penis is circumsized.

by heyyo134 June 28, 2005

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German Daunce

Damnce done by cartmen in south park in the episode when chef has to pay a lone so the boys make a stage and cartmen does the german daunce

"fatboy do the german daunce"

by Frogspawn July 16, 2005

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German Earmuffs

The sexual act in which two females simultaneously put their vaginas completely around another persons ears.

Peter was very sad that he had not seen the ocean in a while. He decided to ask two of his friends to give him German Earmuffs so he could at least hear it.

by Michael Finger March 8, 2006

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