A GROUP of people hired to kill.
In the movie Four Brothers the hit squad went to the Mercer House and...
Killed Jack Mercer and tried to kill the rest of the brothers
33👍 8👎
Pissing, urination, the act of excreting liquid waste in males
"I was just hitting the head."
21👍 4👎
Formerly a slang phrase referring to a male's stated prediliction toward sexual relations with a previously identified female, the phrase has now come to refer to an individual's stated desire to perform sexual relations with a (typically McDonald's) hamburger.
Background: An unfortunate McDonald's advertising campaign, circa early 2005, developed under the assumption that the use of urban lexicon might appeal to a previously underrepresented demographic, i.e., the burger-fetishists.
"Double Cheeseburger? I'd hit it. I'm a Dollar Menu guy."
(McDonald's advertising copy, used without permission.)
1123👍 452👎
to go to do a job (usually illegally) to get money.
dog, i'm gonna hit-a-lick so i can buy those gimmies (shoes).
359👍 135👎
Vernacular commonly used by males, meaning, «I would NOT MIND having sexual relations with that woman.»
There's a big difference between «I'd hit it..." and "I'd definitely hit it!"; same as between «I'd do her.» and «I'd definitely do her!»
The first sentence indicates that the person who is speaking is moderately interested in the woman in question. The second sentence indicates that the person is considerably interested in the woman, and might swoop down for the kill, if given the opportunity.
Situation #1:
«Wow, is Halle Berry hot, or what?!»
«Yeah, I'd hit it...»
Situation #2:
«Wow, is Halle Berry hot, or what?!»
«Shit yeah, I'd definitely hit it!»
530👍 206👎
to take a hit of weed out of a bong or pipe that's made out of a water bottle. Originated from polish slang; Walić wiadro.
Friend 1: Hey bro, wanna go hit a bucket?
Friend 2: Oh hell yeah, I haven't smoked in a while.
14👍 3👎
Using the natural power of the sun via a magnifying glass to light your herb/weed in a glass smoking device.
"Dude, is nice nice out?! I was thinkin about taking some sun hits before we go the show."
13👍 2👎