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Flaming homosexual

Someone called trisha

You such a flaming homosexual

by Hentaifapper March 10, 2018

1👍 1👎

Flaming homosexual

Marthen on ilge flaming homo sexual

Its used in calling someone a flaming homosexual

by Ilgegangster69 January 11, 2018

Malaysian Homosexual

A confused individual who is fat, yellow, ugly and dresses in Ecko Jeans and Kiss T-shirts; while criticizing others for dressing properly. Listens to rap while criticizing others for listening to bluegrass and ambient music. No sense of style or music, and spends all his time on the world wide web; and has ZERO ATTENTION SPAN. Behaves like a high school kid and dresses like one too. HABITUALLY CREATES GOSSIP ABOUT HIS ENEMIES AND MAKES FAKE DEFINITIONS FOR HIS ENEMIES NAMES on urban dicitonary. For the record, the guy calls his father Rudolph - very disrespectful. And Frandly was the former first name of Joseph Frandly Cornet, he just changed his first name in the 1990s.

Jimmy: Hey Tyrone! You know that Malaysian Homosexual creating fake definitions for people on Urban Dictionary?

Asher: Yeah! We're going to beat the shit out of him.

by Mirna the Whore January 6, 2024

Overly expressive Homosexual

Mostly a guy who has to tell everyone in every sentence they produce that they are into men or how their sexlife looks like how many partners they had this week e.g

A guy is an Overly expressive Homosexual cuz he needs validation on his Sexuality as his only Charactertrait.

by Dest1ny January 25, 2023

Homosexual Whale

An easily offended fat person who is most often gay.

Listen dude no offence but you were being such a homosexual whale back there

by Whalejokesatyou November 14, 2016

pickled homosexual

a salty, sour, bitter, unhappy, jaded homosexual

A homosexuals that hates on other's success are "pickled homosexuals".

by Nando92028 August 13, 2019


Refers to PLANET EARTH and it's pull of GRAVITY surmountable neighbors.


FUNCTION OF HOMOSEXUALITY HERE is on PLANET EARTH to first prove it's not meant to happen as because the DICK'S BALLS belong no one but NATURE DENIAL OF PROCREATION to the HOMOSEXUALS then used to MAKE FUN of people as FAGGOT AND FAG are the greatest terrorist words created in many WORLD LANGUAGES , for BLACKS to find. RATIONALITY TO BE THE GREATEST CRIMINALS ON EARTH, for them to be HOMOSEXULAL SEX = PRiSON SEX and not the other way around , for them to find dysfunctional words and heroes of the SEXUAL MOVEMENT as GAY PRIDE is GAY " ONE OF SEVEN DEADLY SINS" , MATTHEW SHEPARD WAS A METH DEALER.to hate each other within their SEXUALITY, "FACT: I WENT TO BUY BOOKS IN BARNES AND NOBLE SAN MATEO AND THIS FAGGOT STPPED ME , "AS HE THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO STEAL THE BOOKS language books but I was at the register ready to pay and he said , "LEAVE", and finally HARVEY BERNARD MILK and GEORGE RICHARD MUSCONE.murderd by WHITE AS MILK

FUNCTION OF HOMOSEXUALITY HERE is for people who are HOMOSEXUAL , who ask , " DO YOU PARTY" being insecure about their HOMOSEXUAL or FAGGOT orientation and have to do DRUGS that are illegal to coverup their SHAME about being HOMOSEXUAL.