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Flesh Monkey

A common alternative to the word human or person.

Hey, God? I don't know about this whole flesh monkey situation. It seems like kind of a trash species, not gonna lie. Have you seen how they reproduce? That shit is weird and gross, did you do that? Why? Why did you want that?

by AspiringTardigrade August 11, 2023


Since your mouth down to your butt is a continuous tunnel humans can in theory be used as straws IE becoming a flesh Straw.

I love to suck on flesh straws. YUM

by Peter Peeler Johnson October 3, 2023

puppy flesh

Puppy flesh is a term used by masculine gay men to make fun of young, girly-looking straight men.

Victor: Hey, John, look at that puppy flesh over there.
John: Wow, those hips definitely don't lie.
Victor: Pfft.

by DeanWinchesterWhyNot January 10, 2014

Flesh Diamond

A cut pair of arm pits.

You can tell she spends time at the gym from her flesh diamonds

by FDiamond March 19, 2021

flesh purse

The use of female anatomy to smuggle contraband into jail.

That girl used her flesh purse to smuggle that crack into jail.

by Ginger S August 14, 2020

flesh baubles

Tits, but at Christmas!

I got off with Susan from accountS at the Christmas Do, she has amazing flesh baubles!!

by The steamer 4 December 4, 2021

Cactus Flesh

A nickname for a boyo often found wearing a green sweater. The sweater will be nicknamed cactus and since the boyo wears cactus all the time he now becomes a cactus flesh.

Manuel the cute little cactus flesh.

by TinyBee September 5, 2018