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Keep Throwin'

Variation of which is used as "goodbye" in last farewell text or e-mail message from someone more than a friend

Ya I'm okay but I need to do some things. Keep it real and Keep Dancing (or Keep Throwin' if you were frisbee players)

by TheRealDude September 13, 2008

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Keep it in the Fridge

the act of not exploiting information that yourself and others prefer learning on their own such as ending to movies, shows, and books.

Hey I'm going to go see that movie this weekend so Keep it in the Fridge.

by nikumo_katsuru October 13, 2010

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keep it boopin

To maintain a relaxed, grounded, positive attitude toward life. To continue or promote a β€œchill vibe” when amongst like minded people, or differently minded people. Booping can be used to describe a jovial and unperturbed disposition, or to describe a β€œflow state” that one might achieve while performing an activity such as biking or drinking cold beers. A phrased used as a parting greeting, or more traditionally as a rallying cry for the chillers and the people who β€œget it.” Keep it Boopin’ was originally coined by a Nashville artist, but is widely in use by almost all cool people.

β€œGreat party man, Keep it boopin!”

β€œKeep it boopin with the booze, keep it boopin with the bud, just gotta keep it boopin.”

β€œWe all get arrested for public nudity sometimes man, you just gotta put this behind you and keep it boopin.”

by Scoot’s Toots October 9, 2019

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keeping it real

The act of living in the real world. This consists of avoiding prolonged television and computer use. Usually one who keeps it real spends alot of time outside or under the influence of mind expanding drugs.

I decided to start keeping it real by deleting my MySpace.

by MattRabbit April 3, 2006

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Spirit Keeping

When you buy supposedly "spirit haunted" items on eBay, often draining your funds with no paranormal results whatsoever. Constant denial of logic and eBay's terms of service and what these guys thrive on, and have led to many massive scam rings across the internet and psuedo-pagan communities of "spirit keepers". They often brainwash themselves into getting results from haunted items and post novel-like experiences about it online.

I'm going to register on many forums and make up stories about spirit keeping!

by ThatBeastlyKid March 25, 2011

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keep it real

Keep it unreal, virtual (shortened to keep it short).

"You say keep it real, but mean the last gasp of reality before it goes six deep, like the last bubbles bursting from a drowning man. It no longer matters whether "real" really means real or phony, or virtual, or normal as usual or any old shit. Reality doesn't need to be kept, thank you, and, in case you haven't noticed, it can't be gotten rid of in the first (or last) place. Reality, good, bad or indifferent, is all there is. You either take it or it takes you. If you leave it, you're dead, which is real for keeps."

from Jean-Marie Clarke, Urban Myths Die the Hardest, Ballymore, Ire. 2006.

by Fausten March 13, 2008

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Keep it player

To stay looking fly

Person One: Ayyye that fit is fire! Keep it player my G!

Person Two: Good looking brody! I will!

by 21 34 March 13, 2022

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