To keep a homosexual lifestyle hidden from others.
My brother had been on down low for two years before his we found out he was gay.
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The distinct odor that follows copulation (sexual activity). The term "low tie" refers to the smell usually registering after several moments within the vicinity while also remaining for quite some duration.
"The city seems rather swept with low tide."
"You probably shouldn't enter that room- the low tide is entirely horrendous."
"Ugh, I abhor their low tide."
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Basically hood term for "no joke" "for real" or "seriously"?
Shaniqua: Low free, stop the cap!
Jay: I ain't capping fam!
This term is used when you don’t want to say on god but you still want to swear on something so you say low god
Instead of taking the high road, it's super woke to low-road people. The simple insinuation that your friends and family have wronged you is plenty for them to see things your way. And we all know, you're in the right, right? If you weren't, you wouldn't be.
Did someone assume your gender? How dare they.
Are they tired of your shit? Hitler was tired of the Jews.
Do they have lighter skin than you? How can they sleep at night knowing they're oppressing a visible minority?
You're sure a fan of low-roading, snowflake.
Person 1: Yo my phones got low storage
Person 2: Ok bro I'll miss you a lot. Your funeral is gonna be lit!
Instead of no homo , use low homo when something might slightly be gay.
Mary: Hey Linda, I really like your tits, but low homo.